I must admit, boys are a mystery to me. I am not talking about grown men, I am talking about the two little people running around my home. Growing up, there were no boys in my house. I have two sisters. I am not used to the energy nor the imagination that boys have. In the house of my childhood, there were dolls, Barbies (totally different category than just dolls), books, and boardgames. Now, since there are no children in this house that lean towards "pink", my house is overrun with matchbox sized cars, action figures, Lego blocks, balls, and Nerf guns.
In the past few months, my boys have discovered a new level of imaginative play. They are talking about people dieing in battle, shooting the bad guys, and cutting heads off with swords. For those of you who know my husband and I, we are not violent people. We screen the boys limited TV time. We are selective about their computer games. And it was with great hesitation that we finally allowed Nerf guns in the house this past Christmas. Where did these ideas come from?!?
Due to my background, it is not uncommon for me to turn to Mike and say, "Honey will you check on the guys? I don't know if they are being too rough or if it is just a guy thing?" I have learned there is a fine line. More often then not, Mike does not return from checking because he has joined them in their play. I guess it is a guy thing that I still have yet to learn.
I will say that as the mom of two boys ages 4 ("and a half") and ("almost") seven, I have become something of a mechanic. I have fixed countless paper airplanes, model cars, and even helped build a few vehicles from different construction toys (Lego, connects, Tinker toys). I have also become an amateur architect due the tents I have designed from tablecloths, pillows, chairs couch cushions, sheets and even a table or two. Thanks to my boys, my imagination has not withered away.
I know God created men different from women. Men are the protectors, providers, defenders. Can women do these things? Yes, but God created women to be the nurturers and caregivers. Dads take the guys out on adventures and come home bruised. Moms watch the adventures and are standing by ready with the band-aids and a hearty snack to energize them for the next exploration and discovery.
I love being the mom of boys! The fun and laughter are never far away. There are many ballgames in my future and maybe some track meets too. I will be the team mother bringing cookies to the warriors win or loose. I am looking forward to those days, but I am not wishing away the days I am in now. I am the voice of the female action figures that somehow managed to find their way into the boys' club (Wendy Waters and
Aeriel Flyer, Rescue
Heroes to name a few). I build racetracks and supply activities for the rainy days when we are stuck inside. I
chauffeur to
Idle wild and parks to run off the extra energy that oozes out of male pores.
I love my guys. They may run to Dad when he gets home, begging him to play ball with them. But they run to me for a
band aid and ice when they fall or for a drink and snack during the time outs. Yes, I do get in on a game now and then, too.
Mothering girls? You would have to ask my mom or my sisters. I could go on all day about mothering boys but I can't. There is a Nerf war going on and I have to go find my gun and some ammo!