You all know how much I love to read. So every once in a while I will post an honest review of a book. Here goes the first one:
Find Your Strongest Life: What the happiest and most successful women do differently by Marcus Buckingham
I picked this book because I promised myself I would read more non-fiction and I thought this would be up lifting and encouraging. There are some very valid points in this book for working women who are not satisfied with their jobs. The first seven chapters keep mentioning a "Strong Life Test" that the reader should take to understand herself and what to what career she may be suited. Finally when you reach the point in the book to take the test it is not in the book. It points you to a website. If you do not have instant access to computer, you need to stop reading until you can take the test so as not to bias yourself to answer certain ways.
This book focuses on emotions, specifically your own happiness, to find which jobs will satisfy your career needs. Forget what may be best for your family, focus on yourself and what will make you happy. Many of the examples in the book changed jobs more than once until they find the job that makes them happy.
I am not supporting staying in a job that makes you miserable and ill, but there is more to consider in finding a new job than just yourself.
Being from Thomas Nelson Publishing, I thought this would have been a Christian book, but God was not included in the "Strong Life Test" nor in the "Life Roles" the test leads you to.
While there are some valid points in this book, it will not lead anyone to any specific career path. This book is one of many options for people who are dissatified with themselves and their jobs. If you are looking for a Christian perspective, this is not it. If the Christian point of view is not an issue. This book may work for you.