Following a Christmas morning tradition that started when I was very young, my boys waited at the top of the stairs for my husband and I to prep ourselves (hot tea, decent clothing for pictures, camera for said pictures and slippers) and the Christmas tree (lights on twinkling merrily) for the celebrations to follow. As they waited, almost patiently, they sang "Away in A Manger" and "Silent Night".
Once we were all set up and ready, the boys came flying down the stairs. Presents were waiting, there is no lollygagging with this bunch! They both cried dibs for the first gift and we sent them both towards overstuffed stockings hanging by the fireplace. Soon the carpet was covered with scraps of wrapping paper (ribbon doesn't cut it in a house of boys) and we needed to take a break from unwrapping for the our traditional Christmas morning breakfast of Rhode's cinnamon rolls. Once breakfast was consumed and the first layer of paper was cleaned up, we dove back in to finish with the gifts. The boys were thankful for what they received and Mike and I got to enjoy their laughter and fun. We are thankful for our gifts as well.
I would have pictures to go with this post, but our computer died a couple days ago as we were leaving to go celebrate Christmas with my side of the extended family (which will be another post soon). I do not have the photo stuff set up on my laptop yet.
All of the presents and gifts aside, I am proud of my boys. They really do understand the reason we celebrate CHRISTmas. By starting out the day singing the songs they did, Little M said they wanted HIM to know they were happy it was HIS birthday today.
So to all of you, Merry CHRISTmas. If it weren't for a GIFT we were all given many years ago in Bethlehem (whether we accept it or not), the gifts we give today would have a lot less meaning.
My thoughts and ideas about being a wife, motherhood and being a girl in a houseful of men.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
Today's To-Do
During this time of hustle and bustle, I am hustling and bustling. Today's List
Returns to Walmart and pick up some groceries
Giant Eagle for some gift cards
Pet Smart for some dog supplies
Post Office for Christmas stamps and mailing of Christmas cards
Barnes and Noble for specific stocking stuffers
Library to drop off almost over due items
Return to Joann Fabrics
Michaels for a specific purse part.
If I am able to get all of this done quickly, I am adding another stop to my list:
Chick-Fil-A for a lunch break!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Constructing Elmo
A friend of mine texted me on Thursday. She needed an Elmo cake for her daughter's 2nd birthday. The party was on Saturday. Could I help? Gladly! Here is the process in a nut shell.
Step one: Bake cakes. They needed more cake than just Elmo so I made 1/2 a sheet cake to set Elmo on.
Step two: Make icing. I did not get any pictures of this step. Sorry. Also I buy red icing because the closest I can get to red is a deep pink, and that just won't do for Elmo!
Step three: Ice bottom cake.
Step four: Set Elmo GENTLY on top of platform.
Step five: Decorate with the black icing. It is the spaces furthest from the front, the open mouth and irises.
Step six: white icing eyeballs. If you get the irises too big Elmo looks a little drugged, so be careful.
Step seven: Orange nose. This could also be done after red fur. Your choice.
Step eight: Red fur. this is the step that makes Elmo. If you exchange blue for red you would have Grover!
Happy Birthday Anna!
Step one: Bake cakes. They needed more cake than just Elmo so I made 1/2 a sheet cake to set Elmo on.
Step two: Make icing. I did not get any pictures of this step. Sorry. Also I buy red icing because the closest I can get to red is a deep pink, and that just won't do for Elmo!
Step three: Ice bottom cake.
Step four: Set Elmo GENTLY on top of platform.
Step five: Decorate with the black icing. It is the spaces furthest from the front, the open mouth and irises.
Step six: white icing eyeballs. If you get the irises too big Elmo looks a little drugged, so be careful.
Step seven: Orange nose. This could also be done after red fur. Your choice.
Step eight: Red fur. this is the step that makes Elmo. If you exchange blue for red you would have Grover!
Happy Birthday Anna!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Birthday Finale
Sorry this post is a few days late. Here is the conclusion to my birthday weekend.
One present I knew about in August was the concert tickets. Friday evening in State College, PA the a capella group “Straight No Chaser” was performing. We first heard of this group in May when the Moms group at our church had some of our local guys lip-sync to a couple of their songs at our Mother’s Day Dinner. This group is made up of 10 guys from Indiana University. They formed this group while in college. When they graduated, they went their separate ways. A video on You Tube went viral and the rest as they say is history. Now they travel around and give fantastic concerts with only their voices and microphones.
So after the boys were delivered to school, I headed out to do a little shopping. I needed a new dress for the concert. After two and a half hours of searching, the dress was found and we were packed. The boys were being picked up from the bus stop by Mimi and Papa and would stay the night with them. The dog was being cared for by a fabulous neighbor and friend.
My wonderful honey and I enjoyed the two-hour trip and got checked into our hotel. We had just enough time to change our clothes and get “gussied” up then head out the door if we were going to eat before the concert. After I had my dress on, I realized I had forgotten three things: a necklace, not a big deal – the front of my dress had beading on it and really didn’t need a necklace; fancy earrings, again not a big deal, I had worn small gold hoops, they would do; my curling iron, big deal.
My hair was not in the best shape after the shopping and the car ride. I called the front desk in hopes they had a spare curling iron tucked away somewhere. No such luck. I struggled on. I ran my hands through my short locks hoping it would help but it only made matters worse. Then I remembered the “Turtleneck Hairdo” of 1996.
My man and I had only been dating a short time and he invited me to go to the first annual company Christmas party with him. My mom and I ran to the mall the day of the event to find a dress. I was wearing a turtleneck shirt and pulled it off and on so many times I thought my cheeks were going to have friction burns. We found a dress at the very last minute and rushed home to get ready. The doorbell rang just as my mom said, “Your Hair!!” We had been focusing on the makeup, dress, and accessories and had not thought about my hair. After her moment of panic, she looked at my head and said, “It actually looks pretty good.” I glanced in the mirror and saw it did look really good. I grabbed my coat and had a great time at the party.
Knowing I only had a minute or two, I tried the turtleneck gamble (without the turtleneck). I gave my head a good shake and nervously opened one eye and peaked in the mirror. Voila! I had done it once again. My hair looked like I had spent at least 15 minutes on it. It was dinner out and concert ready.
After dinner at The Tavern (delicious does not do the meal justice) we headed to the Eisenhower Theater where The Straight No Chaser guys sang for two hours with three encores. We laughed, sang along quietly when we could, and loved every minute of it.
With a birthday like this, maybe I will turn 37 again next year.
One present I knew about in August was the concert tickets. Friday evening in State College, PA the a capella group “Straight No Chaser” was performing. We first heard of this group in May when the Moms group at our church had some of our local guys lip-sync to a couple of their songs at our Mother’s Day Dinner. This group is made up of 10 guys from Indiana University. They formed this group while in college. When they graduated, they went their separate ways. A video on You Tube went viral and the rest as they say is history. Now they travel around and give fantastic concerts with only their voices and microphones.
So after the boys were delivered to school, I headed out to do a little shopping. I needed a new dress for the concert. After two and a half hours of searching, the dress was found and we were packed. The boys were being picked up from the bus stop by Mimi and Papa and would stay the night with them. The dog was being cared for by a fabulous neighbor and friend.
My wonderful honey and I enjoyed the two-hour trip and got checked into our hotel. We had just enough time to change our clothes and get “gussied” up then head out the door if we were going to eat before the concert. After I had my dress on, I realized I had forgotten three things: a necklace, not a big deal – the front of my dress had beading on it and really didn’t need a necklace; fancy earrings, again not a big deal, I had worn small gold hoops, they would do; my curling iron, big deal.
My hair was not in the best shape after the shopping and the car ride. I called the front desk in hopes they had a spare curling iron tucked away somewhere. No such luck. I struggled on. I ran my hands through my short locks hoping it would help but it only made matters worse. Then I remembered the “Turtleneck Hairdo” of 1996.
My man and I had only been dating a short time and he invited me to go to the first annual company Christmas party with him. My mom and I ran to the mall the day of the event to find a dress. I was wearing a turtleneck shirt and pulled it off and on so many times I thought my cheeks were going to have friction burns. We found a dress at the very last minute and rushed home to get ready. The doorbell rang just as my mom said, “Your Hair!!” We had been focusing on the makeup, dress, and accessories and had not thought about my hair. After her moment of panic, she looked at my head and said, “It actually looks pretty good.” I glanced in the mirror and saw it did look really good. I grabbed my coat and had a great time at the party.
Knowing I only had a minute or two, I tried the turtleneck gamble (without the turtleneck). I gave my head a good shake and nervously opened one eye and peaked in the mirror. Voila! I had done it once again. My hair looked like I had spent at least 15 minutes on it. It was dinner out and concert ready.
After dinner at The Tavern (delicious does not do the meal justice) we headed to the Eisenhower Theater where The Straight No Chaser guys sang for two hours with three encores. We laughed, sang along quietly when we could, and loved every minute of it.
With a birthday like this, maybe I will turn 37 again next year.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Happy Birthday to Me
Friday, November 12, 2010 was my 37th birthday but my guys started the celebration early. The festivities began Thursday evening as I arrived home from karate. As I climbed the stairs, I noticed all the lights in the kitchen and living room were turned off. There was a faint glow on the table. It was coming from three candles that were stuck in a chocolate frosted chocolate cake my guys had made and decorated for me. As the sight before me registered, the little Ms jumped out and started singing “Happy Birthday” and the big M took a couple of quick pictures.
As the traditional song ended with a few “cha cha chas”, I blew out the candles and we all had a piece before the little Ms headed off to bed.
The next day (Friday) when I came down to breakfast, there were a couple of gifts were waiting for me in the kitchen. My wonderful honey had noticed my favorite sweatshirt was looking a little frayed around the edges. It was given to me on my 20th birthday by my aunt. I have worn it often and it has been with me in each of the five states I have lived in since. Now I will admit when an article of clothing reaches a certain age and worn in look, it should not leave the house. My sweatshirt is reaching this stage but it is not there yet. That said, the first gift I opened was a new comfy sweatshirt from my college alma mater, WVU. I am looking forward to wearing it just as much as my first sweatshirt.
The second gift was a new technological wonder. My laptop has been running slow lately. The internal disc space was running low. I use my laptop for blogging, my iTunes account, and playing the occasional game. I needed a little more storage space. So my wonderful thoughtful husband got me a passport. A passport-sized device that can store 500 GB of memory (yes, Mom, that’s A LOT).
But the celebration did not end there. Tomorrow will be part two of the birthday extravaganza.
As the traditional song ended with a few “cha cha chas”, I blew out the candles and we all had a piece before the little Ms headed off to bed.
The next day (Friday) when I came down to breakfast, there were a couple of gifts were waiting for me in the kitchen. My wonderful honey had noticed my favorite sweatshirt was looking a little frayed around the edges. It was given to me on my 20th birthday by my aunt. I have worn it often and it has been with me in each of the five states I have lived in since. Now I will admit when an article of clothing reaches a certain age and worn in look, it should not leave the house. My sweatshirt is reaching this stage but it is not there yet. That said, the first gift I opened was a new comfy sweatshirt from my college alma mater, WVU. I am looking forward to wearing it just as much as my first sweatshirt.
The second gift was a new technological wonder. My laptop has been running slow lately. The internal disc space was running low. I use my laptop for blogging, my iTunes account, and playing the occasional game. I needed a little more storage space. So my wonderful thoughtful husband got me a passport. A passport-sized device that can store 500 GB of memory (yes, Mom, that’s A LOT).
But the celebration did not end there. Tomorrow will be part two of the birthday extravaganza.
Technology Today
My wonderful honey is taking me to State College to attend a concert. As we drive down the highway, I am typing on my laptop while we listen to an audio book. A GPS guides us so we don’t get lost and my cell phone pings reminders of weekly karate classes none of us will be attending this weekend.
So many things have changed in just my lifetime. Cell phones used to be called bag phones and pretty much stayed in your car. Most phones for that matter were actually attached to the wall with a cord that tangled around you the longer you talked. Computers sat on your desk and if you did have a computer that traveled with you it was the size and weight of a full briefcase complete with its own handle.
Audio books were for those who had vision problems and were recorded on cassette tapes. Directions were written down or traced on a map with a yellow highlighter (think AAA Triptik). If you wanted to remember an appointment or activities, a paper calendar hung on the kitchen wall or you carried a notebook sized day planner to write it all in with your favorite colored pen.
Now days, computers are getting smaller with bigger memories and more apps. Phones can do almost everything the computers can, and the maps have voices of their own. During the intermission of the concert, I look down at the crowd (we had balcony seats we had picked out on-line when we purchased our tickets using our debit card – another change in recent years) and saw MANY people texting, checking facebook, taking pictures, and surfing the web as they waited for the concert to resume.
I had actually left my cell phone at the hotel as I had no pockets in my dress and forgot to grab a purse to match. Instead of sitting there bored and discontent, I took a moment to enjoy one of my favorite hobbies, I people watched. Yes, I will admit it. I gawked at strange wardrobe choices, the lady down front who carried in four bags (three tote bags and a purse), the teen packs that giggled and flirted (while texting and facebooking). I wondered at the older couples whispering quietly holding hands, and was amazed a the one gentleman who actually stood in the aisle and did stretches for a full ten minutes of the fifteen minute break.
I like my low-tech activity. It made for some fun conversation when my wonderful honey came back from stretching his legs. I got to point out my favorite outfits, groups of people and tell my made-up stories about a few of the concert goers.
With all the technology at our fingertips today, I think sometimes we need to not reach out and grab it but take the time to go without it.
So many things have changed in just my lifetime. Cell phones used to be called bag phones and pretty much stayed in your car. Most phones for that matter were actually attached to the wall with a cord that tangled around you the longer you talked. Computers sat on your desk and if you did have a computer that traveled with you it was the size and weight of a full briefcase complete with its own handle.
Audio books were for those who had vision problems and were recorded on cassette tapes. Directions were written down or traced on a map with a yellow highlighter (think AAA Triptik). If you wanted to remember an appointment or activities, a paper calendar hung on the kitchen wall or you carried a notebook sized day planner to write it all in with your favorite colored pen.
Now days, computers are getting smaller with bigger memories and more apps. Phones can do almost everything the computers can, and the maps have voices of their own. During the intermission of the concert, I look down at the crowd (we had balcony seats we had picked out on-line when we purchased our tickets using our debit card – another change in recent years) and saw MANY people texting, checking facebook, taking pictures, and surfing the web as they waited for the concert to resume.
I had actually left my cell phone at the hotel as I had no pockets in my dress and forgot to grab a purse to match. Instead of sitting there bored and discontent, I took a moment to enjoy one of my favorite hobbies, I people watched. Yes, I will admit it. I gawked at strange wardrobe choices, the lady down front who carried in four bags (three tote bags and a purse), the teen packs that giggled and flirted (while texting and facebooking). I wondered at the older couples whispering quietly holding hands, and was amazed a the one gentleman who actually stood in the aisle and did stretches for a full ten minutes of the fifteen minute break.
I like my low-tech activity. It made for some fun conversation when my wonderful honey came back from stretching his legs. I got to point out my favorite outfits, groups of people and tell my made-up stories about a few of the concert goers.
With all the technology at our fingertips today, I think sometimes we need to not reach out and grab it but take the time to go without it.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Halloween at our house
About the time school starts, I begin asking the little m's what they want to be for Halloween. If I don't start early, October creeps up on us and next thing you know, it is October 30 and they have no idea what they want to dress up as.
In past years, both boys have been a giraffe.
They have also chosen to be...
I am sure that in the years to come, there will be many more costumes and a lot more candy on Halloween.
Mikey, age 4 months |
Matt, age 2 months |
They have also chosen to be...
A firefighter (2005) |
A baseball player and a doctor (2006) |
A Pirate baseball player and a Steeler football player (2007) |
A police officer and a puppy (2008) |
Darth Vader and a Clone Trooper (2009) |
Transformer Bumblebee and a zombie baseball player (2010) |
Monday, October 25, 2010
Four Weeks Ago...
Four weeks ago, on a Wednesday, we had a big thunderstorm in the early afternoon.
"How can you remember the day of the thunderstorm from four weeks ago?" You might ask. Don't rush me. I'm getting there.
Wednesdays are Awana night at our house and many houses of the Alliance Church members. That means once the boys get home from school and home work is completed, we refresh (okay sometimes learn on the spot) our memory verses for the week, grab a quick dinner, and tell the Big M hello and goodbye as we pass in the doorway on our way to the church.
But that Wednesday night four weeks ago, I received a phone call as the little m's were sitting down to dinner. NO AWANA! The storm had knocked the power out at the church. One should not try to host 95+ kids between the ages of 4-12 with no lights. We had an unexpected free Wednesday night!
"But how do you remember the specific week? It was a month ago!" Hang on, it's coming.
After playing games with all the M's, I asked my wonderful honey to put the boys to bed so I could exercise. Sure no problem, was his reply. I took my time getting ready. You see, I really didn't want to exercise and was trying to come up with a good excuse just to sit on the couch and read my book.
But the Big M said, "Come on. You can do it! You will feel so much better after your done." I should know better after 12 years of marriage to listen to the man about exercise. He loves sit-ups, push-ups, and jogging. Thinks everyone (especially his loving wife) should exercise to the hilt as often as possible.
SO, mumbling and grumbling, I grabbed my earbuds, my iPhone and headed to the treadmill in the basement.
I began my slow walk to get warmed up and then turned on my exercise app. It gives me instructions that switch between walking and jogging. The more I follow the app over the coarse of a few weeks, the amount of time walking decreases and the amount of time jogging increases. By the end I an trained to run a 5K (a little over 3 miles).
Ten minutes into my exercise session, my left pinkie finger hits the arm on the tread mill. Now I was running with my arms swinging at my sides instead of crossing in front of me like one would normally run/walk. I had assumed this unusual habit so I would not catch the cord to my earbuds and rip them from my ears. Those of you who have done this can relate: it hurts your ears!
Well, in order to save my ears the pain, my finger took the sacrifice. When my pinkie hit the treadmill, it snapped. I thought it was only dislocated due to the slight angle it now had,but the hospital x-rays showed a break from the top of the largest bone in my little finger diagonally to the bottom. My left pinkie, people! For those of you who do not know me so well - I am left handed!
For two weeks I had a splint on my left hand that extended from mid-forearm to just past the tip of my pinkie. I had the use of my thumb and the first two fingers. after that I have had to "buddy tape" my little finger and ring finger together.
Today, I went back for a follow up visit, my finger is still broken. It has begun to heal, but I still have to buddy tape them during the day for the next six weeks. I am re-learning how to do many things one handed or at the very least with only eight fingers. Typing this blog was no easy task.
I will try to post an entry with pictures on a different subject soon. Right now I must go take an extra strength Tylenol!
"How can you remember the day of the thunderstorm from four weeks ago?" You might ask. Don't rush me. I'm getting there.
Wednesdays are Awana night at our house and many houses of the Alliance Church members. That means once the boys get home from school and home work is completed, we refresh (okay sometimes learn on the spot) our memory verses for the week, grab a quick dinner, and tell the Big M hello and goodbye as we pass in the doorway on our way to the church.
But that Wednesday night four weeks ago, I received a phone call as the little m's were sitting down to dinner. NO AWANA! The storm had knocked the power out at the church. One should not try to host 95+ kids between the ages of 4-12 with no lights. We had an unexpected free Wednesday night!
"But how do you remember the specific week? It was a month ago!" Hang on, it's coming.
After playing games with all the M's, I asked my wonderful honey to put the boys to bed so I could exercise. Sure no problem, was his reply. I took my time getting ready. You see, I really didn't want to exercise and was trying to come up with a good excuse just to sit on the couch and read my book.
But the Big M said, "Come on. You can do it! You will feel so much better after your done." I should know better after 12 years of marriage to listen to the man about exercise. He loves sit-ups, push-ups, and jogging. Thinks everyone (especially his loving wife) should exercise to the hilt as often as possible.
SO, mumbling and grumbling, I grabbed my earbuds, my iPhone and headed to the treadmill in the basement.
I began my slow walk to get warmed up and then turned on my exercise app. It gives me instructions that switch between walking and jogging. The more I follow the app over the coarse of a few weeks, the amount of time walking decreases and the amount of time jogging increases. By the end I an trained to run a 5K (a little over 3 miles).
Ten minutes into my exercise session, my left pinkie finger hits the arm on the tread mill. Now I was running with my arms swinging at my sides instead of crossing in front of me like one would normally run/walk. I had assumed this unusual habit so I would not catch the cord to my earbuds and rip them from my ears. Those of you who have done this can relate: it hurts your ears!
Well, in order to save my ears the pain, my finger took the sacrifice. When my pinkie hit the treadmill, it snapped. I thought it was only dislocated due to the slight angle it now had,but the hospital x-rays showed a break from the top of the largest bone in my little finger diagonally to the bottom. My left pinkie, people! For those of you who do not know me so well - I am left handed!
For two weeks I had a splint on my left hand that extended from mid-forearm to just past the tip of my pinkie. I had the use of my thumb and the first two fingers. after that I have had to "buddy tape" my little finger and ring finger together.
Today, I went back for a follow up visit, my finger is still broken. It has begun to heal, but I still have to buddy tape them during the day for the next six weeks. I am re-learning how to do many things one handed or at the very least with only eight fingers. Typing this blog was no easy task.
I will try to post an entry with pictures on a different subject soon. Right now I must go take an extra strength Tylenol!
Friday, October 15, 2010
Family Game Night
We love games at our house. Baseball games (as you might have noticed from previous posts) of all ranks, in person or televised. Football either in the backyard or on the TV.
There are also the individual computer games and competitive Wii games. My guys are also discovering the fun of pencil and paper games.
But the most enjoying games we play at our house are the family night, old fashioned, low tech board games. Card games like Uno and Skip-Bo also fall in this category.
Last night we played Sorry. Now the little m’s get bored with the usual hoppers and that come with our games. Even the wonderful uniquely shaped Monopoly pawns have lost their appeal for the younger set. But my guys are thinkers.
Moments after the Sorry board is laid out on the table, they disappear upstairs to their rooms. After much shuffling and sorting, deliberating and deciding, they reappear each carrying their team for the battle ahead.
Mikey arranges his four Lego men carefully on the green starting circle to go over strategy.
Matt has chosen three Lego dudes and a Go-Go Crazy Bone for his small army and settle them on the yellow circle. My hubby and I settle for the plain regular red and blue hoppers and the game begins.
I will say the little faces on the board brought an added level of entertainment to the game. As opposing Lego forces passed each other on the board a miniature fight would break out. The two would wrestle for a moment before each returned to their respective squares on the board. At one point, one of the more mature plain hoppers had to break it up. The poor guy caught a fist to the nose (as he had no arms to deflect the wayward punch). When the dust settled and all hoppers returned to their squares, the game continued.
It was a fun night with much laughter. Matt had a wonderful come from behind victory, while my plain hoppers just couldn’t keep up at all with the younger set. The Legos returned to their rightful places in the guys’ rooms to discuss plans for the next outing.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Another Birthday Cake
Early August a friend asked if I could make her daughter's birthday cake for a September 12 party. I was thrilled! I had just found a recipe online to make my own marshmallow fondant and wanted to try it out. I asked if this would be okay for her and since i could make it the desired color, it was a go!
The order: chocolate cake with butter cream frosting under purple marshmallow fondant with three "The Littlest Pet Shop" characters on top.
Let the fun begin!
Did I mention the karate tournament we had on September 11? That is a post for another time, but it does factor in to the cake. I didn't bake the cake until after the tournament because I wanted it to still be fresh. We got home from the tournament around 7:00pm.
You cannot decorate a warm cake so by the time the cake baked and cooled, I was just beginning to frost the cake at 10:30pm.
Once the crumb coat of frosting was on, it was time for the fondant. It works a lot like pie crust except change the flour to powdered sugar. I rolled out the fondant large enough to cover the half sheet cake with some to spare and realized I was going to need a few extra hands to move the purple sheet of sweetness onto the cake. So at 11:00pm my groggy, wonderful honey comes in to help with the transfer from the counter to the cake. I am really sorry I do not have any pictures of this, but we both had our hands full!
Once the fondant was smoothed into place, the detailed decorating began! The requested characters were a bunny, a puppy, and a turtle. The birthday girl had graciously let me borrow her small figures to act as models.
The final result (with models):
Here is a closer look. Glad you had a fun birthday Olivia!
The order: chocolate cake with butter cream frosting under purple marshmallow fondant with three "The Littlest Pet Shop" characters on top.
Let the fun begin!
Did I mention the karate tournament we had on September 11? That is a post for another time, but it does factor in to the cake. I didn't bake the cake until after the tournament because I wanted it to still be fresh. We got home from the tournament around 7:00pm.
You cannot decorate a warm cake so by the time the cake baked and cooled, I was just beginning to frost the cake at 10:30pm.
Once the crumb coat of frosting was on, it was time for the fondant. It works a lot like pie crust except change the flour to powdered sugar. I rolled out the fondant large enough to cover the half sheet cake with some to spare and realized I was going to need a few extra hands to move the purple sheet of sweetness onto the cake. So at 11:00pm my groggy, wonderful honey comes in to help with the transfer from the counter to the cake. I am really sorry I do not have any pictures of this, but we both had our hands full!
Once the fondant was smoothed into place, the detailed decorating began! The requested characters were a bunny, a puppy, and a turtle. The birthday girl had graciously let me borrow her small figures to act as models.
The final result (with models):
Here is a closer look. Glad you had a fun birthday Olivia!
Monday, October 4, 2010
First Day of School
First Day of School for Mikey.
He is headed to the bus for his first day of 3rd grade. The morning routine and getting on the bus is old hat for him.
The next day was Matt's first day.
He started kindergarten this year. Full day.
This is the first year he has had to get up early, get dressed, eat breakfast, ready his backpack and catch the bus. He was very excited to join his brother on the adventure of school.
Once all supplies were gathered and lunches were packed, my little men headed to the bus stop.
Like a well seasoned veteran, he followed big brother to await the yellow coach that would transport them to the wonderful land of learning.
I was so proud of my boys. Mike made sure his little brother was informed, and Matt showed no fear or hesitation. He was ready for school!
As for myself, I was excited too. I couldn't wait to hear the stories at the end of the day from both of my young men.
He is headed to the bus for his first day of 3rd grade. The morning routine and getting on the bus is old hat for him.
The next day was Matt's first day.
He started kindergarten this year. Full day.
This is the first year he has had to get up early, get dressed, eat breakfast, ready his backpack and catch the bus. He was very excited to join his brother on the adventure of school.
Once all supplies were gathered and lunches were packed, my little men headed to the bus stop.
Like a well seasoned veteran, he followed big brother to await the yellow coach that would transport them to the wonderful land of learning.
I was so proud of my boys. Mike made sure his little brother was informed, and Matt showed no fear or hesitation. He was ready for school!
As for myself, I was excited too. I couldn't wait to hear the stories at the end of the day from both of my young men.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Summer Summary (Sorry. No Pictures)
It has been a very hectic lately. I will get some picture posts on next week, but had too much to say to wait until then.
The karate kid and I have passed another level. He is now a purple belt and I am a green belt. Yes, he is still one belt ahead of me.
Matt has learned to ride his bike without training wheels. A few scrapes along the way but we made it. His goal is to ride good enough to tackle a nearby rails and trails path.
The two smaller Ms played their first round of "real" golf yesterday. There is a wonderful Par 3 course near us and the short fairways are wonderful for the entire family's skill levels. Both boys did much better than expected and will be getting golf related items under the tree this year. Shhh, don't tell them.
In three days, for the first time, both boys will be in school all day. The older of the little Ms is looking forward to the routine school brings and seeing all his friends again. The youngest M couldn't care less about school. He just wants to pack his lunch and ride the bus!
Speaking of the youngest, he turned 6 on Monday. I am now the mother of an 8 year old and a 6 year old. Time flies when you are not looking!
In short, we have survivied a busy summer of baseball (t-ball, coach pitch, the minor league and the majors), Vacation Bible School, karate, Idlewild, vacation and back to school shopping. Each of these will hopefully get their own posts next week. I'll have more time to type and find pictures when the guys are in class.
The karate kid and I have passed another level. He is now a purple belt and I am a green belt. Yes, he is still one belt ahead of me.
Matt has learned to ride his bike without training wheels. A few scrapes along the way but we made it. His goal is to ride good enough to tackle a nearby rails and trails path.
The two smaller Ms played their first round of "real" golf yesterday. There is a wonderful Par 3 course near us and the short fairways are wonderful for the entire family's skill levels. Both boys did much better than expected and will be getting golf related items under the tree this year. Shhh, don't tell them.
In three days, for the first time, both boys will be in school all day. The older of the little Ms is looking forward to the routine school brings and seeing all his friends again. The youngest M couldn't care less about school. He just wants to pack his lunch and ride the bus!
Speaking of the youngest, he turned 6 on Monday. I am now the mother of an 8 year old and a 6 year old. Time flies when you are not looking!
In short, we have survivied a busy summer of baseball (t-ball, coach pitch, the minor league and the majors), Vacation Bible School, karate, Idlewild, vacation and back to school shopping. Each of these will hopefully get their own posts next week. I'll have more time to type and find pictures when the guys are in class.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Happy 6th Birthday Matt
My youngest is turning six today. Next week he goes to kindergarten. When did he go from infant to toddler to student? Okay, anyway. Here is the cake I made for him. The players are wonderful little collectible figures called "Gogo's Crazy Bones". Both my boys love them. There are tons of games you can play with them and they store easily because of their size.
Happy Birthday Matthew!
Monday, August 16, 2010
Birthday Cake for Two
The three M's and I are part of a wonderful small group. Our group was put together by our church. There are five families involved. Ten adults and eight children - all under the age of 9.
Just wanted to give you the basics.
Anyway, the five year old boys had their birthdays recently on the same weekend. One mom asked me if I would make a cake for them so we could celebrate as a group. No problem I said. What do you want on the cake. Both boys love Toy Story. One liked Woody the Cowboy best and the other liked Buzz Lightyear best.
Again no problem I said. I'll put both of them on the cake. I'll deliver it to the party the day before our meeting. Piece of cake, right?
Well, Midway through the decorating process I realized, there are a LOT of different colors on Buzz and Woody. Also, Woody is wearing a plaid shirt and a cow-spotted vest! I had already started, so I might as well finish.
The birthday boys and the rest of the gang loved the cake. It didn't turn out to bad if I do say so myself.
If anybody needs a birthday cake, just let me know. I even do plaid shirts!
Just wanted to give you the basics.
Anyway, the five year old boys had their birthdays recently on the same weekend. One mom asked me if I would make a cake for them so we could celebrate as a group. No problem I said. What do you want on the cake. Both boys love Toy Story. One liked Woody the Cowboy best and the other liked Buzz Lightyear best.
Again no problem I said. I'll put both of them on the cake. I'll deliver it to the party the day before our meeting. Piece of cake, right?
Well, Midway through the decorating process I realized, there are a LOT of different colors on Buzz and Woody. Also, Woody is wearing a plaid shirt and a cow-spotted vest! I had already started, so I might as well finish.
The birthday boys and the rest of the gang loved the cake. It didn't turn out to bad if I do say so myself.
If anybody needs a birthday cake, just let me know. I even do plaid shirts!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Vacation Wrap Up
Okay. This will be the last vacation post of this year. With all the boating, swimming, fishing, and other water activities, we thought we would throw in a couple non-water outings to round out the week.
Tuesday (the only slightly rainy time of the week) We went to Lincoln Caverns.
It was amazing! It is hard to believe something so beautiful is right under our feet and we might not have ever found it if someone in history hadn't been looking for a place to get a few moments alone or somewhere to get out of the weather.
Some of the passageways were a little narrow.
Both of the little M's were fascinated by the formations and the colors.
After walking around underground for about an hour the boys got to pan for some gems.
Both got a few big nuggets of some fun minerals. It was a really fun day!
Thursday (our last night at camp) we left the campground for the "city". Having read this blog before, you know we are a ball family. So how could we go an entire week without some sort of ball experience? We didn't, have no fear. We went to watch the Pittsburgh Pirates' Farm team, the Altoona Curve, play a home game.
Just a little trivia here so you will understand some later information in the post: Altoona Curve refers to the railroad. There is a sharp curve in the track near Altoona called the horseshoe. The ball team, giving a nod to local surroundings adopted the name and the railroad theme.
The Curve has three mascots:

Tuesday (the only slightly rainy time of the week) We went to Lincoln Caverns.
It was amazing! It is hard to believe something so beautiful is right under our feet and we might not have ever found it if someone in history hadn't been looking for a place to get a few moments alone or somewhere to get out of the weather.
We were guided underground along a lit path between giant columns of amazing minerals.
Some of the passageways were a little narrow.
Both of the little M's were fascinated by the formations and the colors.
After walking around underground for about an hour the boys got to pan for some gems.
Both got a few big nuggets of some fun minerals. It was a really fun day!
Thursday (our last night at camp) we left the campground for the "city". Having read this blog before, you know we are a ball family. So how could we go an entire week without some sort of ball experience? We didn't, have no fear. We went to watch the Pittsburgh Pirates' Farm team, the Altoona Curve, play a home game.
Just a little trivia here so you will understand some later information in the post: Altoona Curve refers to the railroad. There is a sharp curve in the track near Altoona called the horseshoe. The ball team, giving a nod to local surroundings adopted the name and the railroad theme.
The Curve has three mascots:
This is Steamer. As in steam engine.
This is Al Toona
(get it? Altoona Curve, Al Toona, he's a fish! Is this thing on? Anybody out there?)
And last but not least is Diesel Dawg.
Diesel and Steamer roamed the stands during the game throwing/shooting prizes to the fans between innings and just doing the general mascot stuff. And where was Al during the game? He stayed in the green wall of the outfield. He only made an appearance when the Curve scored a run. Unfortunately, we didn't see him much during the game.
Our seats were right down front with lots of leg room. But the guys stood for most of the game because we were the only people in the entire section. My wonderful hubby even caught a foul ball right off the bat! It was a very fun night (even if our team didn't win the game).
Monday, August 2, 2010
Vacation Continued
Did I mention we usually go to the beach for vacation? We decided this year we needed a change of pace, but tent camping for an entire week for our vacation was overruled. Living for a whole week without electricity, running water, or a real roof over one's head does not qualify in my book as a vacation, a challenge, a nice thing for a three-day weekend, yes; a vacation - no.
So there was a compromise, we went fancy camping. We rented a cabin with running water, a window air conditioner, electricity and a fire pit out front.
I was standing against the back wall of the cabin to take this picture.
Spacious - no; fun - yes.
For the entire week, we were able to leave the boat "parked" in the water. We anchored it close to shore and then the big M would wade out to get it and pick me and the small M's up at the dock. The M's and I drove over to the dock, by the way.
While swimming was a big activity all week, we also did a little fishing.
Fisherman A (in the red vest) was not as patient as fisherman B (in the black and blue vest). Fisherman A did not catch anything in the five minutes his hook was in the water.
Fisherman B's perseverance paid off. A blue gill was hooked and released.
I must say my patience paid off as well.
A very small bass hung from my line. No this is not the bait, it is the fish.
Fisherman A decided that he should try again, but using a different method.
He tried to bait the fish to swim right into his net. He didn't have much success there either.
Once the fishing was complete and a cooling swim was finished, we headed back towards the cabin. While we were in a no wake zone (which means we had to go very slow) the boys got to ride in front.
This was actually a competition to see who could be the most "in front" without falling off the boat.
Once we got back to land, we decided hot dogs over the fire was on the menu. So we got set up and got to cookin'.
We don't have any other pictures of this meal. I think the photographers got hungry or we had too much "help" with the fire. The hot dogs were good and the s'mores even better.
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