Wednesday, December 16, 2015

I miss reading.

I love books. I even enjoy e-books.  I read from my ipad, my nook, and from actual ink and paper.  This year I have not read as much as I have in the past.  I have been filling my time, unwisely, keeping up with the news on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.  I have often been the one "in the know" because of this.  My wonderful husband will ask me if I knew about some breaking news and I will give him details he had not heard yet becaue he was busy at work really working.  

Now here it is December and I looked back at my annual reading list. It was so much shorter than in years past.  I was dissappointed in myself.  There may have been one or two books I read that I forgot to add to the list, but overall, dissmal!  What had I read? What had I done instead?

Yes, I am a busy homeschooling mom.  Yes, I have lots of hobbies.  Yes, I have spent too much time in apps other than nook, kindle, and ibooks.  That is going to change.  My goal for the new year will be to blog more, read more, and be attached to a screen less.  Now excuse me while I go dust of my nook so I can recharge it.