Each Sunday evening I have good intentions of planning my menu for the week. Most weeks this doesn't get finished. I get to Monday or Tuesday then I get distracted by bedtime routine for the boys and plans for the next day.
Last night I was successful! I planned out my evening meals for the entire week and even made a store list!
Monday: Chicken Broccoli Casserole- This is a recipe I haven't made in a long time. It's always good to revisit old favs. This wonderful dish is from a recipe my mother-in-law gave to me before we were married. It was a copy of a recipe book she had used for years. She had gone through and highlighted some of my soon to be husband's favorite recipes and made notes in the margin. It was a great gift! I started off our marriage with info to cook food my husband knew and loved. I plan on doing the same thing for my future daughter-in-laws.
Tuesday: Turkey Breast (in the crock pot) This is going to be a busy day. I have my mom's group in the morning, followed by school. School will slip into the afternoon and may even run into karate in the late afternoon. So I will turn to my faithful friend, my slow cooker. This will allow us to eat when we have moment to spare and we can even all enjoy our food while it is warm and not reheated seventeen thousand times.
Wednesday: Nan's Sloppy Joes - This is another crockpot recipe. Wednesdays are chock full of school, piano lessons, more school, and Awana. This, like Tuesday's recipe, is from a cook book called, Fix it & Forget it. It is full of slowcooker recipes for every meal, beverages, dips and more. It is a great go to book for busy nights.
Thursday: Homemade pizza. This is family night. We will make our own personal pizzas with the toppings we want. My boys have even made pizzas without cheese and without sauce. Then while we eat we will watch a movie or play a board or card game. Sometimes we do both.
Friday: Chicken-Fried Steak - A year or so ago, I asked my Wonderful Honey to help me plan some meals. I handed him a cookbook and asked him to find recipes he would like me to try for dinner. The next night he handed me a list of recipes complete with titles and page numbers. This is one of them. I knew I would get around to it eventually.
Saturday: The boys will be eating corn dogs. My Wonderful Man and I are going out! Dinner and a movie. I strongly recommend the movie Courageous. It is by the same group that made the movie Fireproof. It is only in theaters for Friday and Saturday. Please go see this moving and important film!
Sunday: Leftovers! This is what my mom refers to as CORN- Clean Out Refrigerator Night. I allow all of my men to stand at the open fridge door and take dibs on the food they want to eat. By the end of the evening, the fridge should be ready for next week's store run of supplies for my menu for next week.
One week of meal planning in a row. Let's hope the pattern continues!
Sounds great think I will choose Friday eve for a visit at meal time. Just kiddin' wish I could. Love, MOM