Due to the barricade, we decided to take the tree down sooner rather than later. So Monday, the tree and all other inside decorations came down, were packed away in storage containers, and stored in the basement until next December (or at least until after Thanksgiving). The living room is back to normal, for now.
Tuesday brought a neighbor's children to play. They are moving out of state and the kids needed somewhere to play while the packers did their thing and boxed up the contents of the neighboring house. So from 9-ish am until 4-ish pm there were double the number of usual children in our living space. All four kids got along well most of the time, but anytime you double the number of little people in a house things will get a hectic. My wonderful husband had to go out and run some errands and asked if I needed anything. I requested my favorite bubbly beverage which he sought out and brought home.
Wednesday, knowing I needed a little fresh air after Monday and Tuesday, my wonderful honey worked from home and watched our oldest son and a friend, while my youngest went to a friends house to play. I headed out to run some errands of my own. My fabulous husband told me to take my time, so I did, getting home ten minutes before the friend had to be taxied back to his own home. While I was out, my honey requested his favorite bubbly beverage. I tracked down the elusive bottle, and brought it home.
Tomorrow is New Year's Eve. My wonderful husband's team is in a good bowl game and select foods are required for the event. I will make sure all food is ready for kick-off. Later in the evening, our boys will get to stay up to watch the ball drop. They have not witnessed this spectical before. I am sure Dick Clark will make the evening memorable.
Friday brings my team playing in a bowl game and more selected foods will have to be prepped. We may also have to have more of those favored bubbly beverages.