New Record
Each year I let my boys decide what type of cake they want for their birthdays. I have made guitars, race cars, Elmos, bleachers, and even a baseball field. My very soon (on Sunday to be exact) to be five year old wanted a very specific cake this year. He wanted his "Big Puppy" to be driving a red convertible down a road with rumble strips along the sides. Oh, and Big Puppy's ears had to be blowing behind him with his tail sticking up. "What have I gotten myself into?!?" I thought earlier this week after the cake conversation with my growing lad.
Usually, the decoration process ends in the wee hours of the morning. This does not lead to a mom ready for fun when the friends of the birthday boy arrive for the back yard party. A sleep deprived party mom is not a happy one. I should know, I have been that mom too many times. Things have changed!!
I think I set a new record tonight. At 10:15 pm the night before the birthday party, I finished the cake. No I don't mean eating it. I mean decorating it. I can't wait to see my boy's face in the morning.
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