This week is Vacation Bible School at our church. I am in charge of snacks for the kids and the leaders. We have had a record number of kids this year ranging in ages from 3- 11 or 12. Everyone is having a wonderful time. The leaders have volunteered their time to answer kids questions and guide them to the proper activities at the correct (or almost correct) time.
The kids move from music to Bible stories, then on to service (living out the Bible Lesson in the world), from service to games followed quickly by snack. Each group of kids starts at a different activity then after 20 minutes moves on to the next one. The "directors" of the different activities are hopping to get it all done. The smallest group has 16 kids in it!!! (The largest group today, in case you were wondering, was 22!!!!?!?!?)
We are all have a great time watching the controlled chaos around us. then we realize that we are part of the chaos! It is fun, but I am tired!!! And it's only Tuesday!
Enjoy reading about VBS. I can smell the red koolaid and taste the oreos. That is what we had for snack in the church basement. I'm so glad you are a part of vbs and thoes precious little guys are learning things they will carry with them for life. Can't wait to get matt tomorrow. Loved having Mikey. MOM