I am such the slacker! I have been trying to keep up with my blog. I've set a goal (and failed) to post once a week. I even have a couple posts started in the holding file. I just need to add pictures and some captions and they would be good to go.
I had a goal to review one book per month. I started off great with a couple books in each January and February. I've read the next book but have not gotten around to blogging about it yet.
Now it is May! Our neighborhood yard sale is this Saturday and I need to clean out the house to prep for it. School continues for now. Our last day will be May 18! Karate classes are still going on as my oldest little M gets ready to earn his Black Belt in June (that is a post in and of itself). Baseball has started and both little Ms are on different teams.
I'm not complaining (really!!). I'm just stating life is busy right now. I'm am enjoying it, but some things are falling behind. Laundry is stacking up, dust bunnies have become dust rhinos, and dinner has become whatever you can grab before we run out the door.
That being said, I do realize:
1. my family is healthy. The boys are able to play ball and participate in karate.
2. My marriage is strong. I can rely on my wonderful hubby to take on many tasks that I am slipping on with out complaint. We are a team.
3. The boys are happy and growing into good young men.
God has blessed me. This I know.