Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Planning our Vacation

As I sit here typing, there is a load of clothes in the dryer and another in the washer.  I have already folded three loads and put away one of them.  The rest of the folded clothes are bing sorted. One pile to be put away by the boys and two other piles to be packed into suitcases.  The piles to be packed are arranged (and I use the term arranged very loosely) by matching outfits all over the living room floor.

This system developed a couple years ago when I didn't check the youngest's suitcase before we left on an trip and he had packed everything grey or black.  He looked like he was ready for a Goth party everyday of our vacation on the lake.  Grey T-shirt with darker grey shorts.  Black shorts with a different shade of black t-shirt.  You get my point.  So if we have any visitors today they are going to think our dryer exploded into the living room.

Careful outfit planning must be done for this trip.  We are leaving single digit temperatures and arriving to beautiful temperatures in the upper 70's. I think the key will be layers and roomy carry-on bags. This will also be the first time both boys will be flying.  To say they are excited would fall far short of the bag of emotions whirling through the house.

While we don't leave for a few more days, we are packing everything we possibly can now.  I hate the last minute panic of cramming things in a suitcase or bag, praying I haven't forgotten anything majorly important, like underpants or shoes.  I feel a little like Santa: I've made lists and am checking them at least twice.  I have this strange feeling we are going to get to our destination and I will have left the tickets for the amusment park at home.

I also have to account for layovers.  Normally when we travel, it is by car - leaving home when we want, stopping when we need to, and reaching the goal by day's end.  We will still get there by day's end, but having a one or two hour lay-over with two energetic boys is a differnet story.  Carry on bags will be filled with snacks, books, card games, and yes, the electronic gadgets to keep us all busy and help time pass as quickly as possible.

Speaking of time passing, when we planned this trip almost four months ago, it seemed the date on the calendar would never arrive.  Now "all of a sudden" it is just a few boxes away on the page.  We've talked about it.  Being the good homeschoolers, we have researched it. We have made and even crossed out some plans.  But now is crunch time, packing time, planning is over. It is time to put those plans into action!

Ready or not! Here we come!