Our house has a visitor this week that I hoped I would avoid. We call it "The Crud". It is that nasty cold that everyone gets. You know what I am talking about: the cough that rattles your chest and stings your throat, the nose that will require an entire box of tissues for the afternoon, and the headache that no amount of aspirin could defeat.
This visitor came into our house first with the youngest. Matt missed two days of school this week. He adds to the list of symptoms a fever that comes and goes and an appetite that comes and goes. Just when I think he is better, the fever returns and I know The Crud has not left him alone quite yet.
Somehow, while nursing my little guy, The Crud decided after four days of picking on Matt, I needed a turn. I was fine yesterday afternoon. I even went to karate and enjoyed myself thoroughly (I got to break a board - so fun!) I came home and fix my wonderful man his favorite dinner (homemade lasagna). It wasn't until after dinner that The Crud change my voice to the husky one I currently have. My nose became clogged and I woke up this morning with a headache - not the way anyone want to begin the day!
My husband immediately began downing vitamin C and started kissing my cheek instead of my lips. Don't want to pass on The Crud ya know. I headed for the medicine cabinate for my arsenal of Crud fighters.
Maybe, just maybe, I will be able to kick The Crud out of the house before it makes friends with my oldest son or my husband. I see lots of Airborn in their future.