Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Busy Kickin' and gettin' it done.

This has been a busy couple of weeks at our house.  My dayplanner goaned with the required information it had to hold to get me and the boys through our schedule without missing a beat.

The boys and I have (in the month of January) been to eight doctor appointments, relaxed through two snow days, attended three meetings of Awana, one session of my book club, lunch with fabulous friend, two wonderful Moms 24/7 meetings, and karate - which brings me to my next topic.

Karate has been great for Mikey and I.  I am looking forward to when (in a year and a half) Matt and Mike with join in the fun.  Mikey and I have karate two or three nights a week (depending on the week) and this month we had promotional testing for our next belts.

Mikey was ready! He knew his material cold.  He did not seem nervous and was focused, until the girl in front of him went left instead of right during the onesteps and threw him off, but only for a second.


On the other hand, I couldn't eat supper before testing because it would not have been pretty.  I had more butterflies in my stomach than I thought possible.  I am the one throwing the punch in the picture.  It was my first test and I was not only nervous for me but for Mikey as well (that's a mother's job, right?).

When all was said and done, Mikey got his yellow belt.  For some reason, he thought it smelled good and had to sniff it. He is not kissing it.

I also passed my test, got my orange belt and an even better reward

Matt was proud of his mom. Soon my little grasshopper it will be your turn.

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