Friday, October 19, 2018

Hard work (not really)

So, I've been a stay at home mom for 16 years now.  I take in little sewing jobs and decorate the occasional birthday cake to help out my friends.  But I haven't had a "9 to 5" job in over 16 years.  Years ago my guys heard the announcer on the radio say something about a stay-at-home mom and he asked me what that meant.

" A stay at home mom doesn't go out to do her job.  She gets to stay at home to do her job of taking care of the house and her kids."

"Oh" came the small voice from the booster seat behind me in the car. "You're not a stay at home mom."

Puzzled I asked, "Why do you think that buddy?"

"You don't stay at home.  You shop!" We were on our way to Walmart for groceries and such after all.
I did set the record straight and we did have a chuckle that night as I told Mike my "non-stay -at -home" status.

Now that my guys are older and much more independent, I occassionally work behind the desk at our karate studio.  I answer phones, handle payments, greet students, and pretty much just sit behind the desk to make sure things run smoothly.

It is not a hard job.  I really love doing it.  It does change the schedule at home quite a bit!  while I am still at home to help my guys with school work in the mornings.  I leave to work the desk around 3:00.  I run a couple errands and get to work at 4:00 to have things ready for the first class at 4:30.  I spend the evening at ATA and get home around 9:00.

I don't get to greet Mike when he gets home from work and while the crockpot and instant pot come in handy, the guys are on their own for dinner. That big of a change in the schedule makes us all tired and ready for normal by the end of the week.  A week being the longest stretch I've been needed.

So how do you handle a major change in your schedule? Can you plan ahead for the entire week or handle it a day at a time?  I am a mix of the two.  Meals were planned each morning for the evening. Rides to activities were worked out a week in advance, but there is always some wiggle room in all plans.

Next time your schedule needs to be restructured, I hope everything works out as planned with a little fun thrown in on the side.

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