Saturday, June 6, 2009


What a day! After Mikey got off the bus on Thursday, we jumped in the car to begin our summer fun. We spent over an hour and a half at the library picking out books and signing up for the summer reading program. Then ready for lunch we headed to Chick-fil-A. We love that place! They have a wonderful play space for the boys and I can sit out side the glass enclosure, watch the boys play, and read my library book.

Once the boys got all the wiggles out of their system, we continued on with our "Schools Out" adventure and headed to the theater. Mikey and Matthew have only been to the movie theater one other time. Mikey to see "Cars" and Matt to see "Tale of Despareax". The three of us headed in (Mr. Fredrickson-style 3D glasses in hand) to see "UP". The boys loved the movie and the 3D effects. The ending got a little intense for Matthew and he spent the last 30 minutes on my lap asking "when is the movie going to be over?" I think I will wait a little longer before taking him to the theater again. But I really did enjoy the movie.

It was a fun day and the boys slept soundly that night. Last night, I had a girls' night out. The leadership team from the moms' group at church took me out to celebrate four years of our ministry called "Moms 24/7". I have stepped down fom the leardership team and Olive Garden was where we went for me to say goodbye and welcome the new leader. It was a fun evening full of friendship and laughter. We even splurged on dessert. Nothing like chocolate to end a great meal with even better friends.

I appreciate the fact that celebrations are not everyday. If they were a regular occurance, it would not be any fun. No matter if the occasion is with family or friends, it is the time together that makes it special.

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