Thursday, June 4, 2009

Last Day of School

Wasn't it just yesterday that I was taking Mikey's picture for the first day of First Grade? Now here it is the last day of school. Mikey is excited. He will only be in school for two hours (!?!?!) and knows he will be playing games the whole time. Matthew is looking forward to having his brother around the house for the entire day again. You can only play so many games with Mom and run so many errands.

I am excited for the possibilities of summer. Trips to the library, the park, to Idle Wild. Visits to grandparents, aunts, extended family. Vacation to the beach, overnight camping trips, camping in the backyard or in a tent built in the dining room (always have a backup rain plan). Summer is meant for exploration.

I don't want to overplan summer. I want the boys to be active, playing with friends, playing organized ball. I want them to enjoy summer with out a lot (but some) responsibilities. In the fall, both boys will be in school Monday thru Friday. Matt half day. Mikey full day. My time with them is limited and I want to make the most of it this summer before school work and other committements crowd in.

So today I will ready my tote bags: one for the library, one for the park, one for the general needs in the car, and one for IdleWild. I don't want to waste a minute of summer. Mikey just got on the bus, in two hours he will get off the bus and Summer will Begin!

1 comment:

  1. Life does go way too fast. Hold them tightly with a loose grip!! I'm proud of you.
    Love MOM or "Chapoultly" want-a-be.(spelled phoneticly of course). Love MOM
