Day 31 - 31 Day Challenge
To read this challenge from the beginning, click HERE.
This month of blogging has definately been a challenge. No one forced me to choose the topic of health. No one forced me to post each day. But I took up the challenge and am better for it.
While I am glad I can be a little more varied with my topics from now on, I will try to continue to blog more often than before the challenge started. That shouldn't be too hard, as I only posted once every few months.
Setting a goal is healthy. Whether or not you meet that goal is sometimes not as important as doing your best to achieve success. I may not have lost more weight this month than ever before, but I set small goals and started working towards success.
I am surprised I achieved this goal. I was sure I would miss a day or two along the way. It is fun to surprise yourself. Surprising yourself can give you a boost of confidence that you weren't expecting and is much needed. Knowing I can get a blog post in everyday for a month shows me I can get at least two done per week. I have blogged while camping, traveling and during the normal everyday busy-ness.
For those of you who checked in to see what I was up to during the month - THANKS. It was fun to see the numbers of those who visited my blog each day. Thanks for the support, comments, and encouragement. I hope you will come back and see what I am up to when I am not chatting about health.
Please continue to set goals, drink your water, and eat wisely. I am still walking the road towards health. Don't give up.
Let's do this!
My thoughts and ideas about being a wife, motherhood and being a girl in a houseful of men.
Friday, October 31, 2014
Thursday, October 30, 2014
How to Handle a Migraine
Day 30 - 31 Day Challenge
To see the other posts in this series, click HERE.
If you have never had a migraine headache, you will not fully understand this post. If you have, you will understand it all too well.
I have very sporadic migraines, maybe one or two every three years or so. This week I had two warnings that migraines are approaching. My symptoms are funny to the non-educated and when I am not experiencing them, they are funny to me as well.
When a head pounding issue is arriving it is polite enough to send messages ahead to prepare. First my fingers go numb. My index finger begins the numb parade. By the time I have feeling back in that pointer finger, the odd sensation has worked its way through all my digits in a wave from pointer to pinkie. Then the numbness continues down my palm and disappears.
My tongue delivers the next warning. Apparently, when the numbness is finished with my fingers, it travels up to my mouth, but only partially. Half of my tongue tingles just like the effects of the dentist's novocain. You can only imagine trying to explain what's going on when you tongue is just not cooperating.
Message number three comes from my eyes. Blind spots occur in my peripheral vision, usually the outside edges, but last night it was the bottom, outside quarter of my right eye. That was the biggest one ever. Between the blind spot and good vision is what I refer to as a starry patch of rainbow colored flares. Those are kind of pretty to look at if it didn't get in the way of actually seeing.
All these symptoms then disappear in the order of appearance. Sometimes they overlap, but most of the time they are very mannerly and take turns. This polite warning system allows me to prepare for the pain that may or may not follow. What? you may ask. Yes, I have discovered I can go through all or some of the symptoms and not get the headache, but I will wake up the next morning with a killer of a hangover headache. The kind where the pain is a dull ache in the background until you cough or bend over or do anything that puts pressure on or to you head, then WHAM a sledgehammer of pain will stop you in your tracks. Once the pressure is gone, so is the pain. Your brain feels black and blue for several hours. Day two after the migraine (for me anyway) all is right with the world with only the dull ache in the background.
Like I said, this happened to me twice this week on the days that my wonderful husband was out of town with work. Thankfully, the pain did not follow the symptoms either time, but the lingering headaches did. I am wondering if because the pain did not come, the symptoms will keep coming until the headaches arrive and clear the slate.
I have discovered, that when it is possible, I just need to not fight what is happening. I need to turn off the lights and just go lay down and ride it out. The pain passes quicker and stays away longer than if I try to muscle through my day and try to ignore the migraine notices.
I am not sure if there is a cycle to my migraines or if they are tied to any state of health, but I will do what I can to endure and bounce back from them as quick as possible so I can continue down the path towards better health.
Let's do this.
To see the other posts in this series, click HERE.
If you have never had a migraine headache, you will not fully understand this post. If you have, you will understand it all too well.
I have very sporadic migraines, maybe one or two every three years or so. This week I had two warnings that migraines are approaching. My symptoms are funny to the non-educated and when I am not experiencing them, they are funny to me as well.
When a head pounding issue is arriving it is polite enough to send messages ahead to prepare. First my fingers go numb. My index finger begins the numb parade. By the time I have feeling back in that pointer finger, the odd sensation has worked its way through all my digits in a wave from pointer to pinkie. Then the numbness continues down my palm and disappears.
My tongue delivers the next warning. Apparently, when the numbness is finished with my fingers, it travels up to my mouth, but only partially. Half of my tongue tingles just like the effects of the dentist's novocain. You can only imagine trying to explain what's going on when you tongue is just not cooperating.
Message number three comes from my eyes. Blind spots occur in my peripheral vision, usually the outside edges, but last night it was the bottom, outside quarter of my right eye. That was the biggest one ever. Between the blind spot and good vision is what I refer to as a starry patch of rainbow colored flares. Those are kind of pretty to look at if it didn't get in the way of actually seeing.
All these symptoms then disappear in the order of appearance. Sometimes they overlap, but most of the time they are very mannerly and take turns. This polite warning system allows me to prepare for the pain that may or may not follow. What? you may ask. Yes, I have discovered I can go through all or some of the symptoms and not get the headache, but I will wake up the next morning with a killer of a hangover headache. The kind where the pain is a dull ache in the background until you cough or bend over or do anything that puts pressure on or to you head, then WHAM a sledgehammer of pain will stop you in your tracks. Once the pressure is gone, so is the pain. Your brain feels black and blue for several hours. Day two after the migraine (for me anyway) all is right with the world with only the dull ache in the background.
Like I said, this happened to me twice this week on the days that my wonderful husband was out of town with work. Thankfully, the pain did not follow the symptoms either time, but the lingering headaches did. I am wondering if because the pain did not come, the symptoms will keep coming until the headaches arrive and clear the slate.
I have discovered, that when it is possible, I just need to not fight what is happening. I need to turn off the lights and just go lay down and ride it out. The pain passes quicker and stays away longer than if I try to muscle through my day and try to ignore the migraine notices.
I am not sure if there is a cycle to my migraines or if they are tied to any state of health, but I will do what I can to endure and bounce back from them as quick as possible so I can continue down the path towards better health.
Let's do this.
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Water, water, everywhere (and a few other options)
Day 29 - 31 Day Challenge
To read this challenge from the beginning, please click HERE
Grab your water bottle and pull up a seat. I have written how much water we are supposed to drink in a day. I try, I really do, but sometimes, water is just so blah. After working out or doing some serious yard work, I can guzzle water without thinking about it. But in the middle of the day, the thought of drinking another sip of plain water makes my throat close up. So I have researched alternatives that still count as water but have flavor and even a little kick.
Option 1 - Add something to plain water. I have added chunks of ginger root, slices of cucumber, and even though I cannot do this myself, lemon or lime slices work well too. These additions do not take away any of the health benefits of water. they may even add a smidge of extra healthiness.
Option 2 - find a recipe that does not add chemicals or sugar to your body. I have mentioned the Trim Healthy Mama way of eating. They introduced me to "Good Girl Moonshine". There is no alcohol involved in this drink. In our house we refer to it as "Ginger Pop". It is my soda/pop/cola replacer. It is a great refresher on those hot summer days when you used to reach for a bubbly beverage.
Fill a quart jar with ice, then fill with water leaving about an inch empty at the top.
Add a half inch of ginger root or 1 teaspooon of ginger powder. Add 1-2 Tablespoons of apple
cider vinegar. Finish the mix off with 1-2 packets of truvia (all natural sugar replacement). Put
the lid on the jar and shake to mix it well and disolve the truvia. Drink while ice cold.
Adjust this recipe until it totally suits you. Add more truvia, less ginger, what ever floats your boat to make this drink your favorite over the sodas you used to reach for.
There are many other recipes like this out there. Some for hot weather and some for cold. Some in the format of a smoothie texture others a lite latte version.
What ever it takes to get your liquids in, please do it to help your body get healthy. Let's do this,
To read this challenge from the beginning, please click HERE
Grab your water bottle and pull up a seat. I have written how much water we are supposed to drink in a day. I try, I really do, but sometimes, water is just so blah. After working out or doing some serious yard work, I can guzzle water without thinking about it. But in the middle of the day, the thought of drinking another sip of plain water makes my throat close up. So I have researched alternatives that still count as water but have flavor and even a little kick.
Option 1 - Add something to plain water. I have added chunks of ginger root, slices of cucumber, and even though I cannot do this myself, lemon or lime slices work well too. These additions do not take away any of the health benefits of water. they may even add a smidge of extra healthiness.
Option 2 - find a recipe that does not add chemicals or sugar to your body. I have mentioned the Trim Healthy Mama way of eating. They introduced me to "Good Girl Moonshine". There is no alcohol involved in this drink. In our house we refer to it as "Ginger Pop". It is my soda/pop/cola replacer. It is a great refresher on those hot summer days when you used to reach for a bubbly beverage.
Fill a quart jar with ice, then fill with water leaving about an inch empty at the top.
Add a half inch of ginger root or 1 teaspooon of ginger powder. Add 1-2 Tablespoons of apple
cider vinegar. Finish the mix off with 1-2 packets of truvia (all natural sugar replacement). Put
the lid on the jar and shake to mix it well and disolve the truvia. Drink while ice cold.
Adjust this recipe until it totally suits you. Add more truvia, less ginger, what ever floats your boat to make this drink your favorite over the sodas you used to reach for.
There are many other recipes like this out there. Some for hot weather and some for cold. Some in the format of a smoothie texture others a lite latte version.
What ever it takes to get your liquids in, please do it to help your body get healthy. Let's do this,
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Fresh Air
Day 28 - 31 Day Challenge
To read some of the rest of the series, click HERE
A nasty cold has settled on my oldest child. We were up until 12:30 last night. Even though he is 12, he wanted to have his momma hold him for a little bit while he fell asleep. I jumped at the chance even though a migrain was threatening. The symptoms were announcing themselves in their usual order: numb fingers, numb tongue, loss of peripherial vision, then the headache.
Anyway, I had obligations this morning and once those were accomplished, I warned the boys with penalty of death I was not to be disturbed, and went back to bed for a hour. It is amazing what sound sleep can do. My headache had retreated to the background and I was ready to teach school (consider it a four hour delay).
I glanced outside. The sun was playing with the clouds as the wind rocked the tops of the trees. The temperature was higher than it has been for a week and most likely as high as it will be until after winter. Snow is in the forecast for this weekend. Knowing these facts, we packed up our school room and headed out to our outdoor classroom (aka the back deck) and learning commenced.
As read aloud began, we breathed in deep and relaxed in the warmth of the sun. Tension of the morning of illness and headache wars blew away with the breeze. The beauty of the autumn trees surrounded us with art that can't be duplicated by any man. The music of the leaves rustling and the birds chirping was a wonderful accompainment to the lessons being read.
There is something about being outside and breathing in lungfulls of fresh air to lift your spirits and make you feel better. Looking ahead to the winter and being inside each day, makes us enjoy this day all the more. School in front of the fireplace is special too, and I will tell about that in another post this winter.
Today, I am going to enjoy this summer day that got lost in the days of fall. I will get in my two mile walk with a friend this evening and enjoy it all the longer.
Breath deep, everyone. Let's do this.
To read some of the rest of the series, click HERE
A nasty cold has settled on my oldest child. We were up until 12:30 last night. Even though he is 12, he wanted to have his momma hold him for a little bit while he fell asleep. I jumped at the chance even though a migrain was threatening. The symptoms were announcing themselves in their usual order: numb fingers, numb tongue, loss of peripherial vision, then the headache.
Anyway, I had obligations this morning and once those were accomplished, I warned the boys with penalty of death I was not to be disturbed, and went back to bed for a hour. It is amazing what sound sleep can do. My headache had retreated to the background and I was ready to teach school (consider it a four hour delay).
I glanced outside. The sun was playing with the clouds as the wind rocked the tops of the trees. The temperature was higher than it has been for a week and most likely as high as it will be until after winter. Snow is in the forecast for this weekend. Knowing these facts, we packed up our school room and headed out to our outdoor classroom (aka the back deck) and learning commenced.
As read aloud began, we breathed in deep and relaxed in the warmth of the sun. Tension of the morning of illness and headache wars blew away with the breeze. The beauty of the autumn trees surrounded us with art that can't be duplicated by any man. The music of the leaves rustling and the birds chirping was a wonderful accompainment to the lessons being read.
There is something about being outside and breathing in lungfulls of fresh air to lift your spirits and make you feel better. Looking ahead to the winter and being inside each day, makes us enjoy this day all the more. School in front of the fireplace is special too, and I will tell about that in another post this winter.
Today, I am going to enjoy this summer day that got lost in the days of fall. I will get in my two mile walk with a friend this evening and enjoy it all the longer.
Breath deep, everyone. Let's do this.
Monday, October 27, 2014
Healthy Doesn't Always Mean Skinny
I am going to put myself out there. In more ways than one. I have decided to join a 31 day blogging challenge for the month of October. Since I am very sporadic when it comes to my blog and actually finishing posting the drafts I have written, posting everyday for a month will be a wonderful way to get the ball rolling (right?).
Also, I must blog about a specific topic. I am going to be honest about my journey toward a healthier me. Yes, I have weight to lose (and have since my 10-year old was born), but my goal is not a lower number on the scale. My goal is to breath easier, sleep better, move better and keep up with my energetic boys.
I will talk about past successes and failures, the short cuts I dream of but would never try, and food issues along the way. I will keep a running list of my posts here so that you can start here and find new posts easier than scrolling through all of them each day.
Day 1: Welcome!
Day 2: What Have I Done?!?!?
Day 3: The Dreaded "D" word.
Day 4: Our Newest Hobby
Day 5: Get Out There
Day 6: Health for the mind and soul
Day 7: Healthy enough to try something new.
Day 8: Confidence is Healthy
Day 9: Moderation
Day 10: Water Water Everywhere
Day 11: Hiking for Health
Day 12: Day of Rest
Day 13: Success
Day 14: Sleep
Day 15: What is Healthy?
Day 16: Planning Ahead
Day 17: What Do You Do When You're Sick?
Day 18: A Journey From White to Black
Day 19: Discouragement
Day 20: Work out with out the gym
Day 21: Connection
Day 22: My schedule for Better Health
Day 23: Snacks in Sight
Day 24: Benefits of Health
Day 25: Running Late is NOT Healthy
Day 26: Laughter - It's Healthy
Day 27: In The Home Stretch
Day 28: Fresh Air
Day 29: Water, Water Everywhere (and a few other options)
Day 30: How to Handle A Migraine
Day 31: Success
Thanks for dropping by and I welcome any encouragement along the way.
If you are a blogger/writer, and want more information about this writing challenge, click here!
Also, I must blog about a specific topic. I am going to be honest about my journey toward a healthier me. Yes, I have weight to lose (and have since my 10-year old was born), but my goal is not a lower number on the scale. My goal is to breath easier, sleep better, move better and keep up with my energetic boys.
I will talk about past successes and failures, the short cuts I dream of but would never try, and food issues along the way. I will keep a running list of my posts here so that you can start here and find new posts easier than scrolling through all of them each day.
Day 1: Welcome!
Day 2: What Have I Done?!?!?
Day 3: The Dreaded "D" word.
Day 4: Our Newest Hobby
Day 5: Get Out There
Day 6: Health for the mind and soul
Day 7: Healthy enough to try something new.
Day 8: Confidence is Healthy
Day 9: Moderation
Day 10: Water Water Everywhere
Day 11: Hiking for Health
Day 12: Day of Rest
Day 13: Success
Day 14: Sleep
Day 15: What is Healthy?
Day 16: Planning Ahead
Day 17: What Do You Do When You're Sick?
Day 18: A Journey From White to Black
Day 19: Discouragement
Day 20: Work out with out the gym
Day 21: Connection
Day 22: My schedule for Better Health
Day 23: Snacks in Sight
Day 24: Benefits of Health
Day 25: Running Late is NOT Healthy
Day 26: Laughter - It's Healthy
Day 27: In The Home Stretch
Day 28: Fresh Air
Day 29: Water, Water Everywhere (and a few other options)
Day 30: How to Handle A Migraine
Day 31: Success
Thanks for dropping by and I welcome any encouragement along the way.
If you are a blogger/writer, and want more information about this writing challenge, click here!
In The Home Stretch
Day 27 - 31 Day Challenge
To read the rest of the series, click HERE
I am amazed I have made it this far into this challenge. I was confident in the beginning. I knew it was something I could do, but was it something I would do?
"The tragedy of life doesn't lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goals to reach." ~Benjamin Mays
Setting goals is important. It gives us something to strive for. Something to work towards. While we may not achieve our goals everytime, each attempt gives us a chance to better ourselves and our accomplishments.
"If the plan doesn't work, change the plan, not the goal."
Without a goal, do we know where we are headed? Without a plan, how do we reach our goal? My plan of walking at the park 3 days a week is paart of my goal for healthy living. If I do not see the expected results after a couple weeks, I need to change the plan or add other aspects to it.
"Discipline is the distance betwen goals and success."
I have admitted my lack of will power earlier in this series of posts. In order to be disciplined about eating better and exercising more, I have called on the support of my family and friends. I have been wearing a Fitbit to track steps, water intake, and exercise.
So my plan is in place, but is ready to be changed if need be. My support is standing by cheering me on in many ways. My goal is set. I will weigh myself at the end of this week to see how things are going. I will keep track of my energy level and endurance because there are more indicators of health than just the numbers on the scale.
So go grab a glass or bottle of water and plan your week.
Let's do this.
To read the rest of the series, click HERE
I am amazed I have made it this far into this challenge. I was confident in the beginning. I knew it was something I could do, but was it something I would do?
"The tragedy of life doesn't lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goals to reach." ~Benjamin Mays
Setting goals is important. It gives us something to strive for. Something to work towards. While we may not achieve our goals everytime, each attempt gives us a chance to better ourselves and our accomplishments.
"If the plan doesn't work, change the plan, not the goal."
Without a goal, do we know where we are headed? Without a plan, how do we reach our goal? My plan of walking at the park 3 days a week is paart of my goal for healthy living. If I do not see the expected results after a couple weeks, I need to change the plan or add other aspects to it.
"Discipline is the distance betwen goals and success."
I have admitted my lack of will power earlier in this series of posts. In order to be disciplined about eating better and exercising more, I have called on the support of my family and friends. I have been wearing a Fitbit to track steps, water intake, and exercise.
So my plan is in place, but is ready to be changed if need be. My support is standing by cheering me on in many ways. My goal is set. I will weigh myself at the end of this week to see how things are going. I will keep track of my energy level and endurance because there are more indicators of health than just the numbers on the scale.
So go grab a glass or bottle of water and plan your week.
Let's do this.
Saturday, October 25, 2014
Laughter - It's Healthy
Day 26 - 31 Day Challenge
To read from the beginning, click HERE
After two very short nights with little sleep this week, I was dragging, so when I found my husband and youngest son laying on the living room floor getting ready for a quick nap, I claimed the couch to join them. As my head hit the pillow, the two guys started chatting, disrupting my chance to drift away.
I grabbed the pillow from under my head and tossed it at the gabbers on the floor saying "Quiet down. I thought we were taking a nap."
A peaceful hush filled the room for only a moment. Then in a stage whisper, my son says to his dad, "Keep talking, maybe we'll get a blanket."
We cracked up laughing. This kid is funny. His timing is wonderful and his one liners will floor you! All of us agree he is the funniest member of our family.
Family time, relaxing together, laughing together, and rest - all so healthy for body and soul.
Have a great Sunday everyone. Worship in your local church. Enjoy your family and friends. Rest and prepare for the coming week.
Let's do this!
To read from the beginning, click HERE
After two very short nights with little sleep this week, I was dragging, so when I found my husband and youngest son laying on the living room floor getting ready for a quick nap, I claimed the couch to join them. As my head hit the pillow, the two guys started chatting, disrupting my chance to drift away.
I grabbed the pillow from under my head and tossed it at the gabbers on the floor saying "Quiet down. I thought we were taking a nap."
A peaceful hush filled the room for only a moment. Then in a stage whisper, my son says to his dad, "Keep talking, maybe we'll get a blanket."
We cracked up laughing. This kid is funny. His timing is wonderful and his one liners will floor you! All of us agree he is the funniest member of our family.
Family time, relaxing together, laughing together, and rest - all so healthy for body and soul.
Have a great Sunday everyone. Worship in your local church. Enjoy your family and friends. Rest and prepare for the coming week.
Let's do this!
Running Late is NOT Healthy
Day 25 - 31 Day Challenge
To read about my ramblings on health, and the lack thereof, from the beginning, click HERE.
I had my day all planned out and ready. With the oldest of the boys leaving for a retreat with the youth group 15 minutes before I had to be at work, I knew the timing had to be perfect. We had to pick up snacks and a few miscellaneous items before the heading to the church. I added that to the plan.
Due to slow laundry and sewing projects that took longer than expected, we left the house a sparse one hour and fifteen minutes before the designated drop off time. I had hoped to exit the house 15 minutes earlier, at the latest! While I knew we could still make it on time, I was beginning to feel rushed.
We headed to the local supercenter to grab snacks to fuel a pre-teen and his friends between the meals at the retreat. Enroute, it was discovered the Bible and pen had not been packed. No problem, an e-version of the Bible was on the Kindle that was riding with us in the car. The supercenter would certainly have a pen or two that could be purchased and since we already had a notebook from the office supply section on the list, this additional item would not slow us down.
Snack options were mulled over. Elusive items were searched for (and remained hidden). Purchases were made. Back in the car, we threaded through the crowded parking lot and headed to the church with ten minutes to spare. So we sat and patiently waited, enjoying the unexpected gift of a few minutes to just be. The boys found a small football in the back of the car and started passing it back and forth in the empty (except for our car) parking lot.
After reading one of my favorite blogs (The Wright Stuff For Us) I glanced at the time. 3:43 and still not one other car had parked in the lot to deposit another kid for the retreat. Had I read the flyer wrong? Had we missed the group altogether and they left before we ever arrived? That stresss level that had started creeping up, then lowered by arriving "early", was now rising once again.
Just as I was looking up a number to phone for answers, the youth pastor pulled into the lot. Apparently, the time had changed. I had seen the original notice sent home, not the second one that stated the time of drop off had been moved to 4:00 instead of 3:45. My tightly-scheduled, plan of attack was falling apart! If I had left at 3:50 from the church, I would have had time to grab myself dinner to eat at work and snack to tide over a growing boy until dinner. One needs fuel for karate class after all.
I didn't pull out of the parking lot until 4:05. The boy still needed that snack, but my dinner would have to wait. Muscles are getting tighter by the minute. A headache was gathering troops to attack at the next delay. We whipped into the drive thru under the golden arches. I was told, "I'll be with you in a minute." so we sat and waited. After 2 full minutes, another car pulled into the second lane, ordered and pulled ahead. Then they (finally) took my order of nuggets and beverage. I pulled forward and the car in front of me counted out each penny. Minutes were ticking by quickly. When my turn came, I tossed my exact change at the clerk and pulled up to the second window to receive our food. I was handed my drink, then she went back in for the small bag of nuggets, then she disappeared again to get a straw. I pulled away as I was being told to "Have a nice day and come back soon."
I pulled into work 25 minutes after I needed to be there. Thankfully, I have very forgiving bosses who understand life happens (and the fact that they are in Flordia, helps a little). The lights were already on and students were on the floor. Once I got settled in and made my apologies, i could let the tension depart without waging war on my tired system.
Yep, being late really works against my healthy lifestyle plan. Yet, sometimes it is beyond our control. I will keep planning and trying. Things will improve.
Let's do this.
To read about my ramblings on health, and the lack thereof, from the beginning, click HERE.
I had my day all planned out and ready. With the oldest of the boys leaving for a retreat with the youth group 15 minutes before I had to be at work, I knew the timing had to be perfect. We had to pick up snacks and a few miscellaneous items before the heading to the church. I added that to the plan.
Due to slow laundry and sewing projects that took longer than expected, we left the house a sparse one hour and fifteen minutes before the designated drop off time. I had hoped to exit the house 15 minutes earlier, at the latest! While I knew we could still make it on time, I was beginning to feel rushed.
We headed to the local supercenter to grab snacks to fuel a pre-teen and his friends between the meals at the retreat. Enroute, it was discovered the Bible and pen had not been packed. No problem, an e-version of the Bible was on the Kindle that was riding with us in the car. The supercenter would certainly have a pen or two that could be purchased and since we already had a notebook from the office supply section on the list, this additional item would not slow us down.
Snack options were mulled over. Elusive items were searched for (and remained hidden). Purchases were made. Back in the car, we threaded through the crowded parking lot and headed to the church with ten minutes to spare. So we sat and patiently waited, enjoying the unexpected gift of a few minutes to just be. The boys found a small football in the back of the car and started passing it back and forth in the empty (except for our car) parking lot.
After reading one of my favorite blogs (The Wright Stuff For Us) I glanced at the time. 3:43 and still not one other car had parked in the lot to deposit another kid for the retreat. Had I read the flyer wrong? Had we missed the group altogether and they left before we ever arrived? That stresss level that had started creeping up, then lowered by arriving "early", was now rising once again.
Just as I was looking up a number to phone for answers, the youth pastor pulled into the lot. Apparently, the time had changed. I had seen the original notice sent home, not the second one that stated the time of drop off had been moved to 4:00 instead of 3:45. My tightly-scheduled, plan of attack was falling apart! If I had left at 3:50 from the church, I would have had time to grab myself dinner to eat at work and snack to tide over a growing boy until dinner. One needs fuel for karate class after all.
I didn't pull out of the parking lot until 4:05. The boy still needed that snack, but my dinner would have to wait. Muscles are getting tighter by the minute. A headache was gathering troops to attack at the next delay. We whipped into the drive thru under the golden arches. I was told, "I'll be with you in a minute." so we sat and waited. After 2 full minutes, another car pulled into the second lane, ordered and pulled ahead. Then they (finally) took my order of nuggets and beverage. I pulled forward and the car in front of me counted out each penny. Minutes were ticking by quickly. When my turn came, I tossed my exact change at the clerk and pulled up to the second window to receive our food. I was handed my drink, then she went back in for the small bag of nuggets, then she disappeared again to get a straw. I pulled away as I was being told to "Have a nice day and come back soon."
I pulled into work 25 minutes after I needed to be there. Thankfully, I have very forgiving bosses who understand life happens (and the fact that they are in Flordia, helps a little). The lights were already on and students were on the floor. Once I got settled in and made my apologies, i could let the tension depart without waging war on my tired system.
Yep, being late really works against my healthy lifestyle plan. Yet, sometimes it is beyond our control. I will keep planning and trying. Things will improve.
Let's do this.
Friday, October 24, 2014
Benefits of Health
Day 24 - 31 Day Challenge
To read from day one of the challenge, click HERE.
Once I decided to get on the wagon and hold on firmly to my seat, the results can be felt pretty quickly. While I have not stepped on the scale to see if numbers have changed in the right direction, there have been changes. My eating has not been perfect, but better. I've been more aware of what I have put in my mouth, no longer just eating out of habit or boredom.
I have been drinking more sugar free beverages. No more flavored creamers in my tea in the mornings. Flavored, caffeine free tea works well with a little Truvia add to it. Sodas (or pop, depending where your are) are no longer the go to drink while out to eat. Unsweetened iced tea or half sweet and half unsweet, is my choice now.
Since Sunday, I have met or exceeded my FitBit steps goal four out of five days, and walked for exercise (very brisk pace) three of the five (I had only planned on two of those walks). Last week, I only met my step goal 2 out of 7 days, and only exercised once.
What differences do I notice? More energy. Despite only getting 3 hours of sleep last night, I did not feel groggy or run down today once I got moving. I'm sure I will sleep well tonight. With each day that I do well, I find I am less apt to "cheat". The sugary food had less pull. I'm more motivated to reach for the carrots instead of the candy. I'm looking forward to getting outside and walking. Knowing the snow and ice of winter is on it's way, I want to take advantage of the walking path at the park as often as possible. The monotony of the treadmill looms large in the bitter cold days ahead.
I would like to wait another week before I step on the scale. I want to seek out the non-scale victories and relish those a little longer. I know once I step on the scale, my focus will be drawn to the numbers and I will overlook the benefits that aren't tied to numbers. Watch for those. They are as fun to find as geocaches.
Let's do this.
To read from day one of the challenge, click HERE.
Once I decided to get on the wagon and hold on firmly to my seat, the results can be felt pretty quickly. While I have not stepped on the scale to see if numbers have changed in the right direction, there have been changes. My eating has not been perfect, but better. I've been more aware of what I have put in my mouth, no longer just eating out of habit or boredom.
I have been drinking more sugar free beverages. No more flavored creamers in my tea in the mornings. Flavored, caffeine free tea works well with a little Truvia add to it. Sodas (or pop, depending where your are) are no longer the go to drink while out to eat. Unsweetened iced tea or half sweet and half unsweet, is my choice now.
Since Sunday, I have met or exceeded my FitBit steps goal four out of five days, and walked for exercise (very brisk pace) three of the five (I had only planned on two of those walks). Last week, I only met my step goal 2 out of 7 days, and only exercised once.
What differences do I notice? More energy. Despite only getting 3 hours of sleep last night, I did not feel groggy or run down today once I got moving. I'm sure I will sleep well tonight. With each day that I do well, I find I am less apt to "cheat". The sugary food had less pull. I'm more motivated to reach for the carrots instead of the candy. I'm looking forward to getting outside and walking. Knowing the snow and ice of winter is on it's way, I want to take advantage of the walking path at the park as often as possible. The monotony of the treadmill looms large in the bitter cold days ahead.
I would like to wait another week before I step on the scale. I want to seek out the non-scale victories and relish those a little longer. I know once I step on the scale, my focus will be drawn to the numbers and I will overlook the benefits that aren't tied to numbers. Watch for those. They are as fun to find as geocaches.
Let's do this.
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Snacks in sight
Day 23 - 31 Day Challenge
To read the series from the start, click HERE.
As I ran errands yesterday, I was listening to a podcast in the car. The host stated the best way to do something was to keep it in view. To use her example, if you are an amature photographer, don't put your camera away. If it is sitting out in plain sight, you are more likely to see it often and pick it up and click off a few pictures more often than if you have to get it out of the case tuck on a closet shelf every time you wanted to use it. It is much easier to have it handy and snap some shots of the kids playing outside or a pretty flower in just the right light.
The same could be said for snacks. We all get hungry between lunch and supper. What is easiest to get to is what we will reach for time and time again. If there is a bowl of grapes sitting out on the counter, washed and ready to eat, that is the snack of choice. If a bowl of M&;Ms sits on the coffee table, and the grapes are unwashed in the bottom drawer of the fridge, the M&Ms will need to be refilled every day (twice, maybe).
Keep the healthy snacks ready. When you get home from the store, peel some carrots and cut them into sticks. Rinse off some celery and put them on a plate beside the carrots. Keep apples, bananas, grapes washed and in a bowl in the fridge or on the counter. Having the colorful plate of healthy snacks will be a ready defense against those sugary cravings.
This time of year when stores are stocked full of the bite sized snacks for trick or treat, we need to keep ourselves aware of healthy eating and the temptations that can trick us out of those healthy treats.
Let's do this.
To read the series from the start, click HERE.
As I ran errands yesterday, I was listening to a podcast in the car. The host stated the best way to do something was to keep it in view. To use her example, if you are an amature photographer, don't put your camera away. If it is sitting out in plain sight, you are more likely to see it often and pick it up and click off a few pictures more often than if you have to get it out of the case tuck on a closet shelf every time you wanted to use it. It is much easier to have it handy and snap some shots of the kids playing outside or a pretty flower in just the right light.
The same could be said for snacks. We all get hungry between lunch and supper. What is easiest to get to is what we will reach for time and time again. If there is a bowl of grapes sitting out on the counter, washed and ready to eat, that is the snack of choice. If a bowl of M&;Ms sits on the coffee table, and the grapes are unwashed in the bottom drawer of the fridge, the M&Ms will need to be refilled every day (twice, maybe).
Keep the healthy snacks ready. When you get home from the store, peel some carrots and cut them into sticks. Rinse off some celery and put them on a plate beside the carrots. Keep apples, bananas, grapes washed and in a bowl in the fridge or on the counter. Having the colorful plate of healthy snacks will be a ready defense against those sugary cravings.
This time of year when stores are stocked full of the bite sized snacks for trick or treat, we need to keep ourselves aware of healthy eating and the temptations that can trick us out of those healthy treats.
Let's do this.
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
My Schedule for Better Health
Day 22 - 31 Day Challenge
To start at day 1, click HERE
My exercise routine had fallen by the way side due to many excuses and no real reason. So I scrapped the old plan and set up a new schedule to keep me out and moving while the boys handle the independent school work which does not require my help. Every other day, I drive to a nearby park and walk two miles at a very brisk pace. Getting outside, breathing fresh air makes it feel less like work and more fun somehow.
Monday, I was able to get my two miles in around noon. My guys had had a full morning of school and as they fixed and ate lunch, I headed to the park. This small park has a paved path around it that measures just short of 1/3 of a mile. The sky was bright. The breeze was cool and crisp. A wonderful day for a walk. My average pace was 16 minutes and 5 seconds per mile.
Today, I went out again. I left the house earlier than Monday and arrived at the park in full walk mode at 9:10am. I had just downloaded a fresh podcast to listen to, "Read Aloud Revival" (please check it out, really good). This episode was just over 30 minutes long so just about right for my walk.
Now, at this point I must mention that my loop begins just after the bridge. The bridge happens at the bottom of the hill. Did you know you can build up a pretty good pace coming down a slight hill?
The sky was overcast this morning and the temperature was just below chilly. I wanted to break a sweat, so I knew I needed a good pace to do so. Off I went. I had borrowed my son's headphones, so I wouldn't worry about the earbuds continually falling out of my ears or causing my ears to ache (I really need to ask my wonderful hubby for some my coming birthday). My body must like the earlier time because I was cruising. At the end of the hill, at the end of my first loop, my foot met the bridge.
It wasn't until both feet were on the wooden slats that I realized I no longer had traction. The heavy dew, the leaves, the age of the wood, along with the build up of a layer (or two) of pollen created a surface that was slicker than snot on ice. While I did maintain a vertical position, I could have spelled out "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" with the right flags in my hands with all the waving and flailing I did. Do you notice the 90* turn at the end of the bridge? That is only the halfway point of this treacherous terrain.
My first thought was, "Man, this is really gonna kill my pace!" Then I realized I had to cross this bridge five more times before my two miles were finished. While, I didn't have to crawl across the bridge, I did have to slow significantly to avoid ice skating into the railings or falling on my butt. It was really slick, y'all!
Trying to make up for the snail's pace on the bridge, I booked around the rest of the loop. Each time I stepped onto the wooden slats, I had to back down to first gear. I still slid a little, but I kept moving. At the end of the six laps, I checked my time.
My overall average was 15 minutes and 30 seconds per mile. My second mile was the quickest at 15 min and 5 sec. Maybe skating over that bridge helped after all!
Can't wait to see what the bridge is like on Friday!
Let's do this!
To start at day 1, click HERE
My exercise routine had fallen by the way side due to many excuses and no real reason. So I scrapped the old plan and set up a new schedule to keep me out and moving while the boys handle the independent school work which does not require my help. Every other day, I drive to a nearby park and walk two miles at a very brisk pace. Getting outside, breathing fresh air makes it feel less like work and more fun somehow.
Monday, I was able to get my two miles in around noon. My guys had had a full morning of school and as they fixed and ate lunch, I headed to the park. This small park has a paved path around it that measures just short of 1/3 of a mile. The sky was bright. The breeze was cool and crisp. A wonderful day for a walk. My average pace was 16 minutes and 5 seconds per mile.
Today, I went out again. I left the house earlier than Monday and arrived at the park in full walk mode at 9:10am. I had just downloaded a fresh podcast to listen to, "Read Aloud Revival" (please check it out, really good). This episode was just over 30 minutes long so just about right for my walk.
Now, at this point I must mention that my loop begins just after the bridge. The bridge happens at the bottom of the hill. Did you know you can build up a pretty good pace coming down a slight hill?
The sky was overcast this morning and the temperature was just below chilly. I wanted to break a sweat, so I knew I needed a good pace to do so. Off I went. I had borrowed my son's headphones, so I wouldn't worry about the earbuds continually falling out of my ears or causing my ears to ache (I really need to ask my wonderful hubby for some my coming birthday). My body must like the earlier time because I was cruising. At the end of the hill, at the end of my first loop, my foot met the bridge.
It wasn't until both feet were on the wooden slats that I realized I no longer had traction. The heavy dew, the leaves, the age of the wood, along with the build up of a layer (or two) of pollen created a surface that was slicker than snot on ice. While I did maintain a vertical position, I could have spelled out "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" with the right flags in my hands with all the waving and flailing I did. Do you notice the 90* turn at the end of the bridge? That is only the halfway point of this treacherous terrain.
My first thought was, "Man, this is really gonna kill my pace!" Then I realized I had to cross this bridge five more times before my two miles were finished. While, I didn't have to crawl across the bridge, I did have to slow significantly to avoid ice skating into the railings or falling on my butt. It was really slick, y'all!
Trying to make up for the snail's pace on the bridge, I booked around the rest of the loop. Each time I stepped onto the wooden slats, I had to back down to first gear. I still slid a little, but I kept moving. At the end of the six laps, I checked my time.
Can't wait to see what the bridge is like on Friday!
Let's do this!
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Day 21 - 31 Day Challenge
To read from the beginning, click HERE
Last night, a wonderful group of nine ladies went out for a "Mom's Night Out". We just needed a lady's night to get out and refresh. Dinner at The Cheesecake Factory filled the bill. Now for some of you, you may think there was loud laughter, delicious food, and alcohol to keep the party going for the three plus hours we were there. You would only be right for 2 of the 3.
I met this group of ladies at church at our mom's group. The two things all of us have in common is that we are Christian mothers. Some of us are stay at home moms. Some are working moms. Our kids range in ages from infants to married adults and attend every type of schooling: public, homeschool, cyber school, and private school. We all get along so very well.
Not a single one of us ordered alcohol. Not that we couldn't. We are all well over the legal age and we even rode to the restaurant in one vehicle so driving was not an issue. If someone had ordered a glass of wine or a mixed drink, I can't imagine it would have been a big deal. We just didn't need to add alcohol to have a good time.
We laughed most of the evening and shared really good food and even better conversation. We laughed about our kids, shared wonderful moments we had with our husbands, and even talked (and laughed a lot) about sex.
It was so relaxing to be in the company of women who love God and their husbands and are comfortable talking about it. These women lifted my spirit in a way that geocaching and exercising cannot. Knowing we worship the same God, and we treat marriage with the utmost respect, gives us the freedom to talk about problems or concerns we have with our marriages or our families. The advise we receive will be grounded in the Bible that is the foundation for how we live.
I have asked these ladies how to handle sticky situations and also to hold me accountable in my walk with Christ. This is Spiritual Health. To be confident in your faith. Believe wholly in God. Have a group of friends who will support you along the way. These same friends will and have helped me when one of my family is sick, when we moved across town, and when we needed childcare so hubby and I could go on a much needed date night.
Ladies, Thank You!
To read from the beginning, click HERE
Last night, a wonderful group of nine ladies went out for a "Mom's Night Out". We just needed a lady's night to get out and refresh. Dinner at The Cheesecake Factory filled the bill. Now for some of you, you may think there was loud laughter, delicious food, and alcohol to keep the party going for the three plus hours we were there. You would only be right for 2 of the 3.
I met this group of ladies at church at our mom's group. The two things all of us have in common is that we are Christian mothers. Some of us are stay at home moms. Some are working moms. Our kids range in ages from infants to married adults and attend every type of schooling: public, homeschool, cyber school, and private school. We all get along so very well.
Not a single one of us ordered alcohol. Not that we couldn't. We are all well over the legal age and we even rode to the restaurant in one vehicle so driving was not an issue. If someone had ordered a glass of wine or a mixed drink, I can't imagine it would have been a big deal. We just didn't need to add alcohol to have a good time.
We laughed most of the evening and shared really good food and even better conversation. We laughed about our kids, shared wonderful moments we had with our husbands, and even talked (and laughed a lot) about sex.
It was so relaxing to be in the company of women who love God and their husbands and are comfortable talking about it. These women lifted my spirit in a way that geocaching and exercising cannot. Knowing we worship the same God, and we treat marriage with the utmost respect, gives us the freedom to talk about problems or concerns we have with our marriages or our families. The advise we receive will be grounded in the Bible that is the foundation for how we live.
I have asked these ladies how to handle sticky situations and also to hold me accountable in my walk with Christ. This is Spiritual Health. To be confident in your faith. Believe wholly in God. Have a group of friends who will support you along the way. These same friends will and have helped me when one of my family is sick, when we moved across town, and when we needed childcare so hubby and I could go on a much needed date night.
Ladies, Thank You!
Monday, October 20, 2014
Workout with out the gym
Day 20 - 31 Day Challenge
To read the rest of the series, click HERE
This weekend was one of unintentional exercise. That exercise counts twice in my book because it is usually a lot more fun.
We won tickets for the family to go to a local amusement park. Saturday was the only day that worked for us to go before the tickets expired. Friends of our had also won some tickets, so we made it a joint day of rides and fun. How is this exercise, you might ask? According to my FitBit, I walked almost 4 miles in that park. It was a cold and rainy day, my body worked hard staying warm. Not cardiovascular, I admit. But I was moving around and NOT eating the funnel cake my tummy screamed for. Exercise in will power to boot!
Sunday, yesterday, I walked nearly 3.5 miles in just your normal everyday activity. I really do a lot of walking and talking during church and Sunday School activities. Once back home, after a little nap, we needed to do a little work in the yard. We have a fireplace and needed to cut and split some firewood. There are a couple of trees down in the woods around our house. My man grabbed his chainsaw and I found the axe. After he cut off the right length for the fireplace, it was my job/exercise routine to split the logs into firewood.
To read the rest of the series, click HERE
This weekend was one of unintentional exercise. That exercise counts twice in my book because it is usually a lot more fun.
We won tickets for the family to go to a local amusement park. Saturday was the only day that worked for us to go before the tickets expired. Friends of our had also won some tickets, so we made it a joint day of rides and fun. How is this exercise, you might ask? According to my FitBit, I walked almost 4 miles in that park. It was a cold and rainy day, my body worked hard staying warm. Not cardiovascular, I admit. But I was moving around and NOT eating the funnel cake my tummy screamed for. Exercise in will power to boot!
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Hear no candy wrapper. See no cotton candy. Eat no funnel cake! |
Just so you don't think I only split one log's worth of wood.
This was only 1/3 full when we started. With the exception of the two logs the boys took a swing at, I split this wood. My abs got a work out. My arms found muscles that were lost long ago. My legs are sturdy. I am actually surprised at the sense of accomplishment I feel.
So while, I didn't "work out" in a way most people think about, I exercised just living life. I know I won't be able to work like this everyday, but it was a good couple of days of getting healthy.
Let's do this.
Saturday, October 18, 2014
Day 19 - 31 Day Challenge
To read from the beginning of the challenge, click HERE.
Good news: I am excited I have posted a blog everyday for the last 19 days! I have made it almost 2/3 of the way through this challenge.
Bad News: I am discouraged in my journey towards health. While I did stick to my eating plan for the most part yesterday, the previous days have not been so great. My water intake has been more miss than hit. I know what I need to do, but I cannot seem to find the wagon I fell off of so I can get back on.
I know everyone goes through seasons like this. I know there are those whose situation is much more dire. I have no physical ailments or illnesses except being overweight. I have a family who loves me, food in the pantry, and a cozy home to live in. Should I really be complaining?
Somedays I am so pumped and ready. The "I've Got This" attitude flows from every pore. I drink my water, eat the right foods, get my exercise. Lately, I've had a run of days where I ask myself, "Can I do this? Should I even be trying?"
The busyness creeps in, food on the go is the quick and easy choice. When I have barely made it through a kicked-my-butt karate class that was much easier 10 pounds ago, sugar-ladened frappe is a recovery reward. My friend is eating a bacon burger with cheesy fries, sure why not. "I'll have what she's having." I don't want her to feel alone, right. If I order a salad, she would enjoy her burger as much.
The excuses and reasons are far to easy for me to come up with. My will power is not strong enough. I have to be real and admit I am having problems eating healthy and wanting to be fit and "in shape". This blog does help. I use it to vent my feelings and frustraions in this journey today. I would prefer it to be up beat and encouraging to those who may read it, but today, I vent.
If you stumbled upon this blog for the first time today, I'm sorry. My posts are not usually like this. Please scroll thru some of my other posts to get the true feel of the blog. I'll be back to my normal, slightly off bubble, self tomorrow (I hope).
For those of you who have been following during the 31 day challenge, keep strong. Learn from your failures. Do not quit because of them. I am going to get my water bottle ready for tomorrow so I can grab it on the way out the door to church. Lunch will be chicken cooked in italian dressing, veggies, and possibily a salad.
I'm planning ahead and have actually used a "text a friend" life line to get some accountability for my exercise.
Well what do you know? I think I found the wagon. I'm on it.
Let's do this.
To read from the beginning of the challenge, click HERE.
Good news: I am excited I have posted a blog everyday for the last 19 days! I have made it almost 2/3 of the way through this challenge.
Bad News: I am discouraged in my journey towards health. While I did stick to my eating plan for the most part yesterday, the previous days have not been so great. My water intake has been more miss than hit. I know what I need to do, but I cannot seem to find the wagon I fell off of so I can get back on.
I know everyone goes through seasons like this. I know there are those whose situation is much more dire. I have no physical ailments or illnesses except being overweight. I have a family who loves me, food in the pantry, and a cozy home to live in. Should I really be complaining?
Somedays I am so pumped and ready. The "I've Got This" attitude flows from every pore. I drink my water, eat the right foods, get my exercise. Lately, I've had a run of days where I ask myself, "Can I do this? Should I even be trying?"
The busyness creeps in, food on the go is the quick and easy choice. When I have barely made it through a kicked-my-butt karate class that was much easier 10 pounds ago, sugar-ladened frappe is a recovery reward. My friend is eating a bacon burger with cheesy fries, sure why not. "I'll have what she's having." I don't want her to feel alone, right. If I order a salad, she would enjoy her burger as much.
The excuses and reasons are far to easy for me to come up with. My will power is not strong enough. I have to be real and admit I am having problems eating healthy and wanting to be fit and "in shape". This blog does help. I use it to vent my feelings and frustraions in this journey today. I would prefer it to be up beat and encouraging to those who may read it, but today, I vent.
If you stumbled upon this blog for the first time today, I'm sorry. My posts are not usually like this. Please scroll thru some of my other posts to get the true feel of the blog. I'll be back to my normal, slightly off bubble, self tomorrow (I hope).
For those of you who have been following during the 31 day challenge, keep strong. Learn from your failures. Do not quit because of them. I am going to get my water bottle ready for tomorrow so I can grab it on the way out the door to church. Lunch will be chicken cooked in italian dressing, veggies, and possibily a salad.
I'm planning ahead and have actually used a "text a friend" life line to get some accountability for my exercise.
Well what do you know? I think I found the wagon. I'm on it.
Let's do this.
A Journey from White to Black
While this post is not about physical Health, it is all about family health.
Day 18 - 31 Day Challenge
For the previous days of this challenge, click HERE
This post is almost a year over due. I posted when the oldest of the Little Ms earned his Black Belt. I even posted a few pictures when I achieved the same goal.
Well, in November of 2013, the youngest of the family proudly removed his red and black belt so our instructor could tie his new, solid black, hard earned, First Degree Black Belt around his waist. It had been a long three years of practices, tests, board breaks, setbacks and success.
When my young man was 5, he watched his older brother take karate classes for a year. At age 6, he finally got to don the white uniform and learn the punches and kicks for himself.
He has grown so much in those three years.
While he will always be my baby, he has matured into a thoughtful young man with an amazing sense of humor, a tender heart, and a fantastic Black Belt attitude. He loves going in to the Tiny Tiger classes with the 4 and 5 year-olds to help teach the class as a junior instructor in training. He passes his smaile to each one to help them love this sport that involves his whole family.
I'm so proud of you, Buddy! In karate and in everything else you do.
Day 18 - 31 Day Challenge
For the previous days of this challenge, click HERE
This post is almost a year over due. I posted when the oldest of the Little Ms earned his Black Belt. I even posted a few pictures when I achieved the same goal.
Well, in November of 2013, the youngest of the family proudly removed his red and black belt so our instructor could tie his new, solid black, hard earned, First Degree Black Belt around his waist. It had been a long three years of practices, tests, board breaks, setbacks and success.
When my young man was 5, he watched his older brother take karate classes for a year. At age 6, he finally got to don the white uniform and learn the punches and kicks for himself.
He has grown so much in those three years.
I'm so proud of you, Buddy! In karate and in everything else you do.
Friday, October 17, 2014
What Do You Do When You're Sick
Day 17 - 31 Day Challenge
To read this series from the beginning, click HERE.
For the last week, I have had a little tickle in the back of my throat. That little signal that means a cold or sore throat is on the way. That tickle leads to a cough, which leads to sleepless nights, which lowers immune systems, which leads to the cold - runny nose, sore throat and all. My coughing then keeps my hubby awake and soon the cold has spread to the entire house.
Okay. Maybe I exaggerated a little bit, but you know what I mean. We all get those little signals that a minor illness is coming. Do you reach for the honey and hot tea or some other home remedy? Do you run to the store for Airborne or other over the counter immunity booster? Do you head for the doctor's office to get the tough stuff to nip this in the bud before it can become a major inconvience?
I have tried my darndest (is that a real word?) to ignore this tickle. While I have increased my water and fluid intake, I'm pretending the coughing and the throat irritation is normal. If it gets worse, I will start sucking cough drops like they are going out of style. I would rather have a broken arm than a sore throat. I will do what I must to avoid them at all cost.
Right now, it is only a tickle. Coughing occassionally and a little throat clearing seems to be the only things that have come from it. If it gets worse, I will indeed seek harsher medicines than hot tea.
What do you do to combat the coming cold and flu season?
To read this series from the beginning, click HERE.
For the last week, I have had a little tickle in the back of my throat. That little signal that means a cold or sore throat is on the way. That tickle leads to a cough, which leads to sleepless nights, which lowers immune systems, which leads to the cold - runny nose, sore throat and all. My coughing then keeps my hubby awake and soon the cold has spread to the entire house.
Okay. Maybe I exaggerated a little bit, but you know what I mean. We all get those little signals that a minor illness is coming. Do you reach for the honey and hot tea or some other home remedy? Do you run to the store for Airborne or other over the counter immunity booster? Do you head for the doctor's office to get the tough stuff to nip this in the bud before it can become a major inconvience?
I have tried my darndest (is that a real word?) to ignore this tickle. While I have increased my water and fluid intake, I'm pretending the coughing and the throat irritation is normal. If it gets worse, I will start sucking cough drops like they are going out of style. I would rather have a broken arm than a sore throat. I will do what I must to avoid them at all cost.
Right now, it is only a tickle. Coughing occassionally and a little throat clearing seems to be the only things that have come from it. If it gets worse, I will indeed seek harsher medicines than hot tea.
What do you do to combat the coming cold and flu season?
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Planning ahead
Day 16 - 31 Day Challenge
To see this series from the beginning, click HERE.
Life is moving along at a very fast pace around here. With doctor appointments, karate classes, piano lessons, church activities our weeks can get pretty full. I have been trying to plan menus for our evening meals. If I accomplish this, it takes a LOT of stress off the entire day. That question, "What's for dinner?" looms large from the three men in my house. If I have an answer ready, all is right with the world and they can go about their business knowing food is in the future.
There have been times when my wonderful husband comes home from work and dinner is not on the table. It's not even on the stove or in the oven. I know I must rapidly come up with a tried and true - fallback recipe. Pancakes are usually the answer.
Planning ahead really reduces so many problems. Knowing what should happen and making the plan work is soothing, not just for me but for the boys too. If we start our day with a rundown of the day's schedule, activities, and menu, we stand a much better chance of having a good day. If I don't take those five or ten minutes to go over the day, I'm the only one who knows the script. It frustrates me when no one else is following the script that only I know. So I need to work harder at sharing the script.
As I type this, a roast is in the crockpot, the boys are doing schoolwork, and a plan has been laid out for the busyness of our evening. We have two different obligations tonight that involves three of the four of us in two different locations at the same time. Plans have been made so that the boys will be involved or supervised and the two adults will be able to fulfill their duties. AND we will be fed while doing it. If I had not looked at the day planner or figured out supper this morning, this evening would be totally chaotic and none of us would enjoy anything from 6:00 on. Supper would be in stages or none of us would eat until 10:00 (yes, that has happened here a time or twn).
My fantastic man helped me with the script for today. He knows the who, what, when, where of it all and knows he is part of the how it will get done. We try to sit down on Sunday evenings and look at the week so nothing pops us and surprises us. We are a team.
When we plan ahead family life runs smoother; my individual life has much less stress and goals are easier to focus on. Have you planned your work so you can work your plan?
Let's do this.
To see this series from the beginning, click HERE.
Life is moving along at a very fast pace around here. With doctor appointments, karate classes, piano lessons, church activities our weeks can get pretty full. I have been trying to plan menus for our evening meals. If I accomplish this, it takes a LOT of stress off the entire day. That question, "What's for dinner?" looms large from the three men in my house. If I have an answer ready, all is right with the world and they can go about their business knowing food is in the future.
There have been times when my wonderful husband comes home from work and dinner is not on the table. It's not even on the stove or in the oven. I know I must rapidly come up with a tried and true - fallback recipe. Pancakes are usually the answer.
Planning ahead really reduces so many problems. Knowing what should happen and making the plan work is soothing, not just for me but for the boys too. If we start our day with a rundown of the day's schedule, activities, and menu, we stand a much better chance of having a good day. If I don't take those five or ten minutes to go over the day, I'm the only one who knows the script. It frustrates me when no one else is following the script that only I know. So I need to work harder at sharing the script.
As I type this, a roast is in the crockpot, the boys are doing schoolwork, and a plan has been laid out for the busyness of our evening. We have two different obligations tonight that involves three of the four of us in two different locations at the same time. Plans have been made so that the boys will be involved or supervised and the two adults will be able to fulfill their duties. AND we will be fed while doing it. If I had not looked at the day planner or figured out supper this morning, this evening would be totally chaotic and none of us would enjoy anything from 6:00 on. Supper would be in stages or none of us would eat until 10:00 (yes, that has happened here a time or twn).
My fantastic man helped me with the script for today. He knows the who, what, when, where of it all and knows he is part of the how it will get done. We try to sit down on Sunday evenings and look at the week so nothing pops us and surprises us. We are a team.
When we plan ahead family life runs smoother; my individual life has much less stress and goals are easier to focus on. Have you planned your work so you can work your plan?
Let's do this.
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
What is Healthy?
Day 15 - 31 Day Challenge
To read from the start of the series, click HERE
What is healthy? I think that is relative to who you are and where you are in life. For example, it would be great for me to get out an mow my yard with a push mower. It would be fantastic exercise and it would accomplish something that needed to be done. However, it would not be healthy for my 93 year old grandmother to do that exact same thing. That same task would hurt her back, strain her heart, and put her in bed for the next week or so.
It would not be healthy for a morbidly-obese overweight person to decide to run a marathon the day of the marathon. Not that this is a smart decision for anyone, but for the obese, the strain on the heart might be too great and the distance insurmountable. With training, a diet specific for a long distance runner, and a few months practicing and getting in shape, a marathon is a great goal to aspire to.
Our choices are sometimes between junk food and kinda junk food, hot dogs or pizza? Which is the healthier option? Donuts or brownies? Soda or hot chocolate? When our choices are limited how do we make the healthiest choice? Do we fight all hunger pangs and eat nothing until we can get out of the meeting (which may last another two hours) so we can order our own healthy made to order lunch or do we answer the need to fuel our body so our brain will continue to stay focused on the task at hand? The choices we make and the reasons behind them can change from day to day even moment by moment.
After hiking 7 miles on Saturday, I ate a corn dog. I know its not a healthy option. Deep fried corn batter around an all beef hot dog was not the best choice on the menu. I wanted a reward for the hard work I had already accomplished. I even had the fresh cut fries.
I have a very hard time making healthy choices when those around me are not. If I am out with friends and they all get burgers or pasta with a heavy cream sauce, I'm not going to be the one to get a salad. I'm going to be the one that gets the bacon cheeseburger and dessert! I have no will power.
I am still in this fight for health. I must work harder and be more vigilent and focused on my goals. Just hide the chocolate, okay?
To read from the start of the series, click HERE
What is healthy? I think that is relative to who you are and where you are in life. For example, it would be great for me to get out an mow my yard with a push mower. It would be fantastic exercise and it would accomplish something that needed to be done. However, it would not be healthy for my 93 year old grandmother to do that exact same thing. That same task would hurt her back, strain her heart, and put her in bed for the next week or so.
It would not be healthy for a morbidly-obese overweight person to decide to run a marathon the day of the marathon. Not that this is a smart decision for anyone, but for the obese, the strain on the heart might be too great and the distance insurmountable. With training, a diet specific for a long distance runner, and a few months practicing and getting in shape, a marathon is a great goal to aspire to.
Our choices are sometimes between junk food and kinda junk food, hot dogs or pizza? Which is the healthier option? Donuts or brownies? Soda or hot chocolate? When our choices are limited how do we make the healthiest choice? Do we fight all hunger pangs and eat nothing until we can get out of the meeting (which may last another two hours) so we can order our own healthy made to order lunch or do we answer the need to fuel our body so our brain will continue to stay focused on the task at hand? The choices we make and the reasons behind them can change from day to day even moment by moment.
After hiking 7 miles on Saturday, I ate a corn dog. I know its not a healthy option. Deep fried corn batter around an all beef hot dog was not the best choice on the menu. I wanted a reward for the hard work I had already accomplished. I even had the fresh cut fries.
I have a very hard time making healthy choices when those around me are not. If I am out with friends and they all get burgers or pasta with a heavy cream sauce, I'm not going to be the one to get a salad. I'm going to be the one that gets the bacon cheeseburger and dessert! I have no will power.
I am still in this fight for health. I must work harder and be more vigilent and focused on my goals. Just hide the chocolate, okay?
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Day 14 - 31 Day Challenge
To read this series from the beginning, click HERE
Why is it that if something needs done we give up sleep to get it done? As a mom, I have done this so many times, I lost track trying to find some caffiene to keep me going. It just seems easier to get stuff done once the house is quiet and everyone else is in bed. I know just how long I can go until I crash. I know sleep is necessary. It is unsafe and unhealthy to go without sleep for a length of time. When I am sleep deprived, I can't think straight, I get upset easily over things I would normally laugh at, and my to do list seems longer and so much more important and urgent than it really is.
Since we homeschool, my boys get the brunt of my emotional tired roller coaster. School becomes a chore for all three of us and nothing is fun. If I get enough sleep, I can usually sneak in a laugh or two even when one of my students is struggling with a tough subject.
Eating well is tougher when the sandman hasn't visited. I will grab anything close and I give into cravings before I can even think it over. Sweets call my name, not only for the sugar they contain, but also for the quick pick-me-up they will provide. With a full night's sleep, I can fight the cravings and think through the choices in my pantry.
While not everyone needs eight hours of sleep (some need more, some need less), fuses are longer, patience is thicker, and smiles are quicker when the night has been spent asleep. I am working on getting to bed before 11:00pm, so I can get my day started earlier (I am a night owl by birth) so the work is done sooner and playtime can last longer. If everyone would get a good night's sleep, a lot of the world's problems, wouldn't be problems.
"Sleep is that golden chain that ties health and our bodies together." ~Thomas Dekker
To read this series from the beginning, click HERE
Why is it that if something needs done we give up sleep to get it done? As a mom, I have done this so many times, I lost track trying to find some caffiene to keep me going. It just seems easier to get stuff done once the house is quiet and everyone else is in bed. I know just how long I can go until I crash. I know sleep is necessary. It is unsafe and unhealthy to go without sleep for a length of time. When I am sleep deprived, I can't think straight, I get upset easily over things I would normally laugh at, and my to do list seems longer and so much more important and urgent than it really is.
Since we homeschool, my boys get the brunt of my emotional tired roller coaster. School becomes a chore for all three of us and nothing is fun. If I get enough sleep, I can usually sneak in a laugh or two even when one of my students is struggling with a tough subject.
Eating well is tougher when the sandman hasn't visited. I will grab anything close and I give into cravings before I can even think it over. Sweets call my name, not only for the sugar they contain, but also for the quick pick-me-up they will provide. With a full night's sleep, I can fight the cravings and think through the choices in my pantry.
While not everyone needs eight hours of sleep (some need more, some need less), fuses are longer, patience is thicker, and smiles are quicker when the night has been spent asleep. I am working on getting to bed before 11:00pm, so I can get my day started earlier (I am a night owl by birth) so the work is done sooner and playtime can last longer. If everyone would get a good night's sleep, a lot of the world's problems, wouldn't be problems.
"Sleep is that golden chain that ties health and our bodies together." ~Thomas Dekker
Monday, October 13, 2014
Day 13 - 31 Day Challenge
To read series from Day 1, click HERE
Oh my! What a day that was. We had planned to cache six miles of the West Penn Trail before lunch and then hit six miles of the Ghost Town Trail until the sun set. That is not what happened.
Our day began at 6:45 at McD's for a quick fuel filled breakfast. We dropped off the first car at one end of the planned six miles and both of us jumped in the second cache-car to head to the other end of our charted course. We parked the car and jumped out ready to hit the trail. We could still see the car from the first cache hide. We climbed over rocks, crawled over fallen trees, and hunted for close to an hour. We started our day with a DNF (did not find).
Our next cache was tough. We search for 30 minutes. Almost calling a second DNF, we glanced up and there it was hanging on a branch in a tree. Hooray! We were rolling now. After two and a half hours on the trail we had 3 finds and 2 DNFs, and we had barely hiked 2 miles.
On our 8th cache, the trail was swampy on both sides. Our GPS pointed the way to the cache was up the hill to the side of the trail. A two-foot pool of murky water stood between the trail and the hill. Not to be stopped in the midst of the hunt, I volunteered to jump over and retreive the find. I took two steps back and took a short running leap and ...
SPLASH! My take off spot was not the solid land I thought it was. As I jumped, my foot sank into the soft, moist dirt which took the energy away from my forward progress. I landed two inches from solid ground, sinking into the black muck up to my knee, splashing water up to my hip. My arm also got wet from wrist to shoulder as I caught myself. My second foot did hit terra firma. So only I was only half wet.
How did my friend, my geocaching buddy, respond? Laughter gurgled from her. Before you could say "mud", we were both laughing so hard tears flowed. Then, she looked ten feet down the trail and saw a solid road to the hillside we needed to search. More laughter. We did make that find - her dry and me soaking half wet. (I did dry off as the search continued.)
We hiked and searched and climbed and slid. At 2:00pm we were no where near the car and we had only a couple cookies and a granola bar since breakfast oh so many hours ago. I found some and she found some, we didn't keep track of who found how many. At the end of the trail, when we finally made it back to the first car, we had logged 7 miles (thanks to a couple of bunny trails) and 40 caches (only a total of 3 DNFs). It was a record day for both of us. We went and ate supper, then I dropped her off at her car and we both went home to shower (I might have had a bit more mud than she did) and collapse into bed.
We will get to the second part of our plan on another caching adventure day. There are many, many more caches out there to find. And next time, she will be the one to jump.
To read series from Day 1, click HERE
Oh my! What a day that was. We had planned to cache six miles of the West Penn Trail before lunch and then hit six miles of the Ghost Town Trail until the sun set. That is not what happened.
Our day began at 6:45 at McD's for a quick fuel filled breakfast. We dropped off the first car at one end of the planned six miles and both of us jumped in the second cache-car to head to the other end of our charted course. We parked the car and jumped out ready to hit the trail. We could still see the car from the first cache hide. We climbed over rocks, crawled over fallen trees, and hunted for close to an hour. We started our day with a DNF (did not find).
Our next cache was tough. We search for 30 minutes. Almost calling a second DNF, we glanced up and there it was hanging on a branch in a tree. Hooray! We were rolling now. After two and a half hours on the trail we had 3 finds and 2 DNFs, and we had barely hiked 2 miles.
On our 8th cache, the trail was swampy on both sides. Our GPS pointed the way to the cache was up the hill to the side of the trail. A two-foot pool of murky water stood between the trail and the hill. Not to be stopped in the midst of the hunt, I volunteered to jump over and retreive the find. I took two steps back and took a short running leap and ...
SPLASH! My take off spot was not the solid land I thought it was. As I jumped, my foot sank into the soft, moist dirt which took the energy away from my forward progress. I landed two inches from solid ground, sinking into the black muck up to my knee, splashing water up to my hip. My arm also got wet from wrist to shoulder as I caught myself. My second foot did hit terra firma. So only I was only half wet.
How did my friend, my geocaching buddy, respond? Laughter gurgled from her. Before you could say "mud", we were both laughing so hard tears flowed. Then, she looked ten feet down the trail and saw a solid road to the hillside we needed to search. More laughter. We did make that find - her dry and me soaking half wet. (I did dry off as the search continued.)
We hiked and searched and climbed and slid. At 2:00pm we were no where near the car and we had only a couple cookies and a granola bar since breakfast oh so many hours ago. I found some and she found some, we didn't keep track of who found how many. At the end of the trail, when we finally made it back to the first car, we had logged 7 miles (thanks to a couple of bunny trails) and 40 caches (only a total of 3 DNFs). It was a record day for both of us. We went and ate supper, then I dropped her off at her car and we both went home to shower (I might have had a bit more mud than she did) and collapse into bed.
Smily faces are the finds! |
We will get to the second part of our plan on another caching adventure day. There are many, many more caches out there to find. And next time, she will be the one to jump.
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Day of Rest
Day 12 - 31 Day Challenge
This post is late today. I'm sorry. Those who train for an event such as a marathon or half marathon will tell you there needs to be a day of rest in your training schedule. Muscles need time to heal, strengthen, and just need a break from all the strenuous activity of a tried and true, hard core training schedule.
Today is my blogging day of rest. It is good for my mental health ;)
We all should do this from time to time to let our batteries recharge to give us energy and strength to get back into the game.
Enjoy your break. See you tomorrow.
Saturday, October 11, 2014
Hiking for Health
Day 11 - 31 Day Challenge
Today a friend and I are going out for an all day adventure of geocaching. Just us gals. We are leaving while it is still dark and probably won't be home until the sun sets. What does this have to do with health? A couple of things actually.
As a mom, we need to take some time for ourselves to recharge our batteries. If we wear ourselves out taking care of our families, but not taking care of oursleves, we will physically, mentally, and emotionally fall short. I have a fabulous husband who understands the need for me to get away occasionally. He is a terrific dad and our boys love it when a "Men's Night (or Day)" rolls around. Today is a day when I do not have to worry about meals, chores, or housework. I get to recharge. Granted, this is not how most moms would spend a "day off", but then again, I have never been the "normal" type of girl.
Secondly, we are walking and hiking all day. The plan as it stands has us covering at least 12 miles on foot, not counting the side trip to find the hidden little treasures that are the key to our day. This is an ambitious plan and we know it. We are up for the challenge and will push each other further than if we were doing this alone. She is a great friend to have in my support team. We also take karate together, but that is a different post for another day.
"A Geocaching Mom is just like a regular mom ~ Just cooler"
Let's do this!
Today a friend and I are going out for an all day adventure of geocaching. Just us gals. We are leaving while it is still dark and probably won't be home until the sun sets. What does this have to do with health? A couple of things actually.
As a mom, we need to take some time for ourselves to recharge our batteries. If we wear ourselves out taking care of our families, but not taking care of oursleves, we will physically, mentally, and emotionally fall short. I have a fabulous husband who understands the need for me to get away occasionally. He is a terrific dad and our boys love it when a "Men's Night (or Day)" rolls around. Today is a day when I do not have to worry about meals, chores, or housework. I get to recharge. Granted, this is not how most moms would spend a "day off", but then again, I have never been the "normal" type of girl.
Secondly, we are walking and hiking all day. The plan as it stands has us covering at least 12 miles on foot, not counting the side trip to find the hidden little treasures that are the key to our day. This is an ambitious plan and we know it. We are up for the challenge and will push each other further than if we were doing this alone. She is a great friend to have in my support team. We also take karate together, but that is a different post for another day.
"A Geocaching Mom is just like a regular mom ~ Just cooler"
Tomorrow I will report how we did: how many caches we found and how many miles we logged. I am looking forward to this day as much as I looked forward to camping with my family earlier this week. I had my backpack ready last night so I could get a jump on the day today. We have plannedjoked, and anticipated this day for a week and a half.
Let's do this!
Friday, October 10, 2014
Water, Water everywhere
Day 10
For the beginning of this series, click here.
Ask anyone and they will know the answer to this basic question: How much water should you drink everyday? 64 ounces is the common response. I would like to propose a different answer.
For those who are trying to lose extra pounds or just feel better overall 64 ounces is just the starting point.
Take your body weight. Just for example we will use 170 pounds.
Divide that number by 2. 85
That number is the amount of water you should drink in ounces. If you weigh 170 pounds, you should try to drink 85 ounces of water a day. I know that sounds like a lot. As long as you don't add sugar or caffeine, you can flavor your water with different things to change it up a bit. I like to add ginger root to my water in the afternoon or even drink unsweetened, caffeine free iced tea. Those count towards my water goal.
I know water can be a little bland and even a little hard to swallow at times, but it is a step towards better health. It will flush out our system and even tell our bodies not to hang on to that extra fluid. Once our bodies see we are drinking a steady supply of water, it will feel free to let go of its hoard of extra fluid.
In order to make drinking my required amount of water fun, I got myself a couple fun water bottles to use. If it is fun to drink from a colorful bottle with the amounts already measured out for me, I am more likely to do it.
If drinking out of a quart mason jar seems like fun to you, go for it! I drink out of one on occasion using a big smoothie straw.
8 oz in a cup
16 oz in a pint
32 oz in that quart mason jar
And if you always wanted to drink from the milk carton, but your mom wouldn't let you, here's your chance to get in that 64 oz of water we all need TWICE. 128 oz of liquid in a gallon.
Whatever makes it fun. I'm off to fill my water bottle. How about you?
Let's do this!
"Thousands have lived without love, not one without water."
~W. H. Auden
"Water is the driving force of all nature" ~ Leonardo da Vinci
For the beginning of this series, click here.
Ask anyone and they will know the answer to this basic question: How much water should you drink everyday? 64 ounces is the common response. I would like to propose a different answer.
For those who are trying to lose extra pounds or just feel better overall 64 ounces is just the starting point.
Take your body weight. Just for example we will use 170 pounds.
Divide that number by 2. 85
That number is the amount of water you should drink in ounces. If you weigh 170 pounds, you should try to drink 85 ounces of water a day. I know that sounds like a lot. As long as you don't add sugar or caffeine, you can flavor your water with different things to change it up a bit. I like to add ginger root to my water in the afternoon or even drink unsweetened, caffeine free iced tea. Those count towards my water goal.
I know water can be a little bland and even a little hard to swallow at times, but it is a step towards better health. It will flush out our system and even tell our bodies not to hang on to that extra fluid. Once our bodies see we are drinking a steady supply of water, it will feel free to let go of its hoard of extra fluid.
In order to make drinking my required amount of water fun, I got myself a couple fun water bottles to use. If it is fun to drink from a colorful bottle with the amounts already measured out for me, I am more likely to do it.
If drinking out of a quart mason jar seems like fun to you, go for it! I drink out of one on occasion using a big smoothie straw.
8 oz in a cup
16 oz in a pint
32 oz in that quart mason jar
And if you always wanted to drink from the milk carton, but your mom wouldn't let you, here's your chance to get in that 64 oz of water we all need TWICE. 128 oz of liquid in a gallon.
Whatever makes it fun. I'm off to fill my water bottle. How about you?
Let's do this!
"Thousands have lived without love, not one without water."
~W. H. Auden
"Water is the driving force of all nature" ~ Leonardo da Vinci
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Day 9 - 31 Day Challenge
(To read from the beginning, click here)
Food and Health (The way I understand it)
When most people think of eating a healthy diet, they think that means no more desserts or sweets ever again. If I thought I could never eat chocolate or a doughnut ever again, I'm not sure I wouldn't start a secret stockpile to nibble on in moments of great (or minimal) stress.
Healthy eating should begin and end in moderation. One cannot eat only vegetables, or sustain themselves only on juice for long periods of time. I love meat of all sorts, but would miss a nice salad, if I was living on nothing but bacon and steaks. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, meat, breads, milk - all have a part in our nutritional needs at some point in our lives.
Newborns are sustained solely on milk. As we grow, we need more variety in our diets to nurture the growth that must take place. Can you imagine a teenage boy eating or drinking only milk? I don't know anyone who would think that was healthy.
These fad diets that encourage eliminating all protein or all carbohydrates or all fats are crazy. Our bodies are made to be fueled by carbs AND fats so that proteins can strengthen us. Vegetables and fruits are needed to provide nutrients to aid in growth and protect our immune systems.
I was getting my hair done one time and I heard some of the beauticians talking. One of the girls was talking about how she had done two things to improve her health: 1) quit smoking (Yay!!) 2) started a juicing diet (Uh-oh). She had gone the whole morning without smoking and cravings were not bad. I hope she stuck to this one and managed to kick the cigarettes out of her life.
The juicing thing is a whole other story. For the next month, she would only drink her meals. All fruits and veggies would be squeezed into liquid form before being consumed. Whoa! She wouldn't chew anything for 30 days? I do not know much about juicing, but this doesn't seem safe. I welcome any polite input here from those who have done this. I don't know if the diet this girl was using was one of her own inventions or a plan she was following from someone else. These are the only details I know about what she was doing.
Moderation. If you feel the need to live off liquids for a couple of days, fine. Don't try to live that way as a lifestyle. Juicing concentrates the nutrients of the fruits and veggies, but there are so many other vitamins and minerals our bodies need! Did you know juicing removes the beneficial fiber from the food? Going without fiber for long periods of time will do an unpleasant number on your tummy and the rest of your digestive system.
The plan I will be following (starting tomorrow morning!) separates fats and carbs while greatly reducing processed sugar. I still get to eat carbs and fats, just not in the same meal. I can still have sweets and desserts, just not every meal. Moderation.
The same can be said about alcohol. I had seen reports that a glass of wine a day is good for you. Moderation. One glass does not mean one bottle a day. If you're going to have more than one glass, don't have more than one glass every night of the week. Moderation.
Exercise too. Start out at a pace or distance that will challenge you, but not discourage you. I made the mistake of thinking because I was able to manage a 9 mile bike ride that I could easily handle a 26 mile journey later the same week. I could barely walk when I got off my bike. I seriously looked around for someone to help me load my torture device bicycle onto the rack on the back of the car. I was in pain. I forgot moderation. I needed to work my way up to 26 miles instead of jumping off the deep end of sanity.
Now that our camping trip is over and my mental and emotional health has been improved, I am ready to work my way to better health steadily improving in different areas over time. Moderation.
Are you with me? Let's do this.
(To read from the beginning, click here)
Food and Health (The way I understand it)
When most people think of eating a healthy diet, they think that means no more desserts or sweets ever again. If I thought I could never eat chocolate or a doughnut ever again, I'm not sure I wouldn't start a secret stockpile to nibble on in moments of great (or minimal) stress.
Healthy eating should begin and end in moderation. One cannot eat only vegetables, or sustain themselves only on juice for long periods of time. I love meat of all sorts, but would miss a nice salad, if I was living on nothing but bacon and steaks. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, meat, breads, milk - all have a part in our nutritional needs at some point in our lives.
Newborns are sustained solely on milk. As we grow, we need more variety in our diets to nurture the growth that must take place. Can you imagine a teenage boy eating or drinking only milk? I don't know anyone who would think that was healthy.
These fad diets that encourage eliminating all protein or all carbohydrates or all fats are crazy. Our bodies are made to be fueled by carbs AND fats so that proteins can strengthen us. Vegetables and fruits are needed to provide nutrients to aid in growth and protect our immune systems.
I was getting my hair done one time and I heard some of the beauticians talking. One of the girls was talking about how she had done two things to improve her health: 1) quit smoking (Yay!!) 2) started a juicing diet (Uh-oh). She had gone the whole morning without smoking and cravings were not bad. I hope she stuck to this one and managed to kick the cigarettes out of her life.
The juicing thing is a whole other story. For the next month, she would only drink her meals. All fruits and veggies would be squeezed into liquid form before being consumed. Whoa! She wouldn't chew anything for 30 days? I do not know much about juicing, but this doesn't seem safe. I welcome any polite input here from those who have done this. I don't know if the diet this girl was using was one of her own inventions or a plan she was following from someone else. These are the only details I know about what she was doing.
Moderation. If you feel the need to live off liquids for a couple of days, fine. Don't try to live that way as a lifestyle. Juicing concentrates the nutrients of the fruits and veggies, but there are so many other vitamins and minerals our bodies need! Did you know juicing removes the beneficial fiber from the food? Going without fiber for long periods of time will do an unpleasant number on your tummy and the rest of your digestive system.
The plan I will be following (starting tomorrow morning!) separates fats and carbs while greatly reducing processed sugar. I still get to eat carbs and fats, just not in the same meal. I can still have sweets and desserts, just not every meal. Moderation.
The same can be said about alcohol. I had seen reports that a glass of wine a day is good for you. Moderation. One glass does not mean one bottle a day. If you're going to have more than one glass, don't have more than one glass every night of the week. Moderation.
Exercise too. Start out at a pace or distance that will challenge you, but not discourage you. I made the mistake of thinking because I was able to manage a 9 mile bike ride that I could easily handle a 26 mile journey later the same week. I could barely walk when I got off my bike. I seriously looked around for someone to help me load my torture device bicycle onto the rack on the back of the car. I was in pain. I forgot moderation. I needed to work my way up to 26 miles instead of jumping off the deep end of sanity.
Now that our camping trip is over and my mental and emotional health has been improved, I am ready to work my way to better health steadily improving in different areas over time. Moderation.
Are you with me? Let's do this.
Confidence is Healthy
Day 8 - 31 Day Challenge
(To start reading the series from the beginning, click HERE)
I am a people watcher. I love to sit in the food court of the mall and just observe. I can also sit in a restaurant, a park, or convention center. The people that walk by are stories. Their posture, pace, even their tone and volume of conversation sparks chapters of tales in my mind.
I saw a frazzled mom pushing a stroller, talking on her cell phone. The stroller was loaded with bags from her day: shopping bags, diaper bag, bags of fast food, a back pack for the small "big brother" who wander around his mom as she trucked along. Her phone side conversation sounded like a rapid fire interrogation. I hope the person on the other end had the answers she sought. If not, I was prepared to lead her to the nearest restroom and watch her children outside the door while she had a nice good cry.
I know just how she felt- totally, wholly, 100% overwhelmed. I have felt this way too. I watched this mom with a shadow of panic on her face as she walked through a crowded vendor area on the second day of the Great Homeschool Convention in Greenville, SC. Just the year before, my wonderful husband and I decided to pull our boys from public school and homeschool them. I felt the way this woman looked and I didn't have any children in tow. I knew I should be asking questions, but I didn't even know what questions I was supposed to be asking! I didn't want to be the one to finally ask that "dumb" question that all teachers insist does not exist. I had no confidence in myself to even ask for help in this overwhelming adventure I was going to begin. So I used my "Phone-A-Sister" lifeline, repeatedly. Both of my sisters had started this adventure years before and they knew me and my silly questions. The helped me figure out what questions to ask and bolstered my confidence as I shopped the vendor hall that year.
During another episode of my people watching, this time at a local park, I watched a woman exercising. I was walking, she was jogging. We passed twice as she was headed in the opposite direction around the lake. She didn't shuffle her steps, she was attacking the path. She was not shy. Her head was up, eyes on the next goal. She was not hunched over in pain and defeat. Her back was straight, she was trained, and she had this! I could tell from her stride and posture, jogging was her stress relief. If I tried to keep up with her I would be curled up in a ball along side the path within a quarter of a mile.
Even though I wasn't running, I know how she felt. Confident, in charge, on top of the world. A little while ago, I was asked to help instruct a karate class of adult low-rank students. I was nervous, but knew I could easily assist my friend who would be teaching. Unfortunately, we got our wire crossed and she thought she was assisting me! neither of us had a lesson planned. So on the spur of the moment we came up with a plan that she would do the warm up exercises and I would do the rest. Kicking drills - I stretched that one idea into a 30 minute lesson for those beginner students. Ten minutes into the class, that feeling of confidence washed over me. It's not an arrogant pride that says, "I'm better than you." It's a confidence that says, "Trust me, I know what I'm doing and I want to share that knowledge with you."
That confident attitude, not arrogance or obnoxious pride, is healthy. That self-assurance that you are comfortable with who you are is something guys appreciate. If I want to improve my relationship with my husband, I want to do things that he finds attractive. Being confident is one of those things. I'm not perfect and there are things I want to improve about myself, but I like who I am and who I am becoming. I have confidence in my ability to homeschool my boys now. I, daily, draw strength from my relationship with my husband who supports and encourages me. I have faith in God who saved me and has a plan for me. Am I challenged in these areas sometimes? Yes, but each challenge either helps me grow stronger in my confidence or teaches me something I may not have thought about before.
I am a woman who is strong and confident, are you? Let's do this.
(To start reading the series from the beginning, click HERE)
I am a people watcher. I love to sit in the food court of the mall and just observe. I can also sit in a restaurant, a park, or convention center. The people that walk by are stories. Their posture, pace, even their tone and volume of conversation sparks chapters of tales in my mind.
I saw a frazzled mom pushing a stroller, talking on her cell phone. The stroller was loaded with bags from her day: shopping bags, diaper bag, bags of fast food, a back pack for the small "big brother" who wander around his mom as she trucked along. Her phone side conversation sounded like a rapid fire interrogation. I hope the person on the other end had the answers she sought. If not, I was prepared to lead her to the nearest restroom and watch her children outside the door while she had a nice good cry.
I know just how she felt- totally, wholly, 100% overwhelmed. I have felt this way too. I watched this mom with a shadow of panic on her face as she walked through a crowded vendor area on the second day of the Great Homeschool Convention in Greenville, SC. Just the year before, my wonderful husband and I decided to pull our boys from public school and homeschool them. I felt the way this woman looked and I didn't have any children in tow. I knew I should be asking questions, but I didn't even know what questions I was supposed to be asking! I didn't want to be the one to finally ask that "dumb" question that all teachers insist does not exist. I had no confidence in myself to even ask for help in this overwhelming adventure I was going to begin. So I used my "Phone-A-Sister" lifeline, repeatedly. Both of my sisters had started this adventure years before and they knew me and my silly questions. The helped me figure out what questions to ask and bolstered my confidence as I shopped the vendor hall that year.
During another episode of my people watching, this time at a local park, I watched a woman exercising. I was walking, she was jogging. We passed twice as she was headed in the opposite direction around the lake. She didn't shuffle her steps, she was attacking the path. She was not shy. Her head was up, eyes on the next goal. She was not hunched over in pain and defeat. Her back was straight, she was trained, and she had this! I could tell from her stride and posture, jogging was her stress relief. If I tried to keep up with her I would be curled up in a ball along side the path within a quarter of a mile.
Even though I wasn't running, I know how she felt. Confident, in charge, on top of the world. A little while ago, I was asked to help instruct a karate class of adult low-rank students. I was nervous, but knew I could easily assist my friend who would be teaching. Unfortunately, we got our wire crossed and she thought she was assisting me! neither of us had a lesson planned. So on the spur of the moment we came up with a plan that she would do the warm up exercises and I would do the rest. Kicking drills - I stretched that one idea into a 30 minute lesson for those beginner students. Ten minutes into the class, that feeling of confidence washed over me. It's not an arrogant pride that says, "I'm better than you." It's a confidence that says, "Trust me, I know what I'm doing and I want to share that knowledge with you."
That confident attitude, not arrogance or obnoxious pride, is healthy. That self-assurance that you are comfortable with who you are is something guys appreciate. If I want to improve my relationship with my husband, I want to do things that he finds attractive. Being confident is one of those things. I'm not perfect and there are things I want to improve about myself, but I like who I am and who I am becoming. I have confidence in my ability to homeschool my boys now. I, daily, draw strength from my relationship with my husband who supports and encourages me. I have faith in God who saved me and has a plan for me. Am I challenged in these areas sometimes? Yes, but each challenge either helps me grow stronger in my confidence or teaches me something I may not have thought about before.
I am a woman who is strong and confident, are you? Let's do this.
Monday, October 6, 2014
Healthy Enough to try Something New
Day 7 - 31 Day Challenge
(To read this series from the beginning click HERE)
If you are doing the same things you have always done; read the same books you have always read; have the same friends you have always had - your life will never change. Good health includes trying new things, chancing new adventures, being willing to fail before you succeed. This is all a part of life and learning.
(To read this series from the beginning click HERE)
If you are doing the same things you have always done; read the same books you have always read; have the same friends you have always had - your life will never change. Good health includes trying new things, chancing new adventures, being willing to fail before you succeed. This is all a part of life and learning.
While on our camping trip, I decided to branch out from our normal fireside menu of hotdogs and hamburgers. I wanted to try to bake in my Dutch oven. This requires some skill and knowledge of how to place hot coals under and on top of the cast iron pot. Then one must rotate the lid and the pot 90* in different directions to even out any hot spots so the food inside cooks evenly.
My first attempt was apple crisp. I love apple crisp. The soft apples under a thick blanket of crunchy oats and brown sugar sewn together with butter. YUM! The recipe book said this was a recipe for novices. That's me! So we burned down some wood to get the red hot coals needed. Then we made a bed of embers on the gravel, set the oven on top and covered with more embers. According to the directions, it needed to cook for 20-30 minutes, rotating every 15. After 45 minutes (and checking several times), I couldn't wait any longer determined it was ready to eat.
The apples were still crunchy and the crisp wasn't really. It was edible, but not your top of the line apple crisp. My guys still liked it and enjoyed my first attempt at dutch oven cooking.
For breakfast I had bacon, egg, and cheese biscuits planned. Bacon and eggs were to be cooked in the cast iron skillet. No problem. I had done that many times before. The biscuits? Yep, you guessed it - another try at the dutch oven.
Since I didn't have enough heat for the apple crisp, I made sure I had enough heat for the biscuits. I placed the oven in the middle of the fire ring after we were almost done for the evening. We shoveled coals on top until you could barely see the handle on the lid. Now I was cooking! After setting my timer for 15 minutes, I sat down to blog and read. After 10 minutes, I smelled something funny felt the need to check under the lid. Beautiful brown biscuits!!
Lesson learned. Go gently, adjust slowly. We were able to salvage the tops of the biscuits for the breakfast sandwiches. My men ate heartily.
Will I try the dutch oven again after 1.5 failures? You betcha! We love camping and this method of cooking will greatly expand our menu. It is another skill I can learn to improve my life. I'm sure it will even add a few laughs to our camping memories. I discovered a new skill, while it is still shaky at this point, I'm willing to keep trying. Are you? Let's do this!
Health for the mind and soul.
Day 6 - 31 Day Challenge
(To read series from beginning click HERE.)
Health is not just a physical issue. In order to improve physical health, one must reduce stress and emotional turmoil. One must also increase laughter, peace, and confidence. To me, these are emotional and mental issues, which have direct influences on physical health.
In order to reduce stress, one must get away from the daily rat race from time to time. While weekends are a great way to escape from work for a few days to get caught up on chores at home, there are times when more than two days break is required.
In another post in this series, I will talk about taking time for yourself, by yourself. This post is about a family escape. Not only will this escape refresh my tired mental state, I will be able to look at history lessons during homeschool with a little less stress and struggle. This get away will also strengthen the health and bond of our family.
We decided to grab one last opportunity this year to go camping. October is a great season to get outside and enjoy relaxing in nature. Trees are changing their summer green attire for the festive fall dresses of red, orange, and yellow. The air is crisp and energizing, not freezing nor sweltering. We are heading out on this sunny, cool day for a four day camping trip to Gettysburg,PA.
My fabulous husband took time off work for this wonderful field trip. The boys had been wanting to visit a battlefield and this fits into a requirement for Pennsylvania history as well as US history for our homeschool. So we took this moment and off we went.
We love camping. What adventurous boy (no matter his age) doesn't like fire and cooking meat on sticks? I looked up campgrounds, made a reservation, and made packing lists. Once the packing was complete, I was all set to relax and enjoy our drive. Meals were reduced to breakfast at camp and lunch and dinners while touring. My books were loaded on to my iPad and I was set.
I type this as we drive. The boys happily ride in the back while we listen to an auto tour of Gettysburg cd a friend loaned to us. My hubby is behind then wheel. The stress of work has been left at the office and at home. This physical break from routine is a mental break as well. We have plans of things to do, but none of those activities are tied to a specific time. We will get up without alarms and "ooze" into the day, as my youngest likes to say. We will visit the battlefield, investigate museums, and stroll through the historical parks. In the next few days I'm sure there will be laughter, learning, and lots of bonding time around the fire. There will not be stress of schedules or routines.
I'm reducing my stress and with all the walking we will be doing at all the tourist sights, I'll be working on my physical health too. What are you going to do today to improve your health?
Let's do this!
(To read series from beginning click HERE.)
Health is not just a physical issue. In order to improve physical health, one must reduce stress and emotional turmoil. One must also increase laughter, peace, and confidence. To me, these are emotional and mental issues, which have direct influences on physical health.
In order to reduce stress, one must get away from the daily rat race from time to time. While weekends are a great way to escape from work for a few days to get caught up on chores at home, there are times when more than two days break is required.
In another post in this series, I will talk about taking time for yourself, by yourself. This post is about a family escape. Not only will this escape refresh my tired mental state, I will be able to look at history lessons during homeschool with a little less stress and struggle. This get away will also strengthen the health and bond of our family.
We decided to grab one last opportunity this year to go camping. October is a great season to get outside and enjoy relaxing in nature. Trees are changing their summer green attire for the festive fall dresses of red, orange, and yellow. The air is crisp and energizing, not freezing nor sweltering. We are heading out on this sunny, cool day for a four day camping trip to Gettysburg,PA.
My fabulous husband took time off work for this wonderful field trip. The boys had been wanting to visit a battlefield and this fits into a requirement for Pennsylvania history as well as US history for our homeschool. So we took this moment and off we went.
We love camping. What adventurous boy (no matter his age) doesn't like fire and cooking meat on sticks? I looked up campgrounds, made a reservation, and made packing lists. Once the packing was complete, I was all set to relax and enjoy our drive. Meals were reduced to breakfast at camp and lunch and dinners while touring. My books were loaded on to my iPad and I was set.
I type this as we drive. The boys happily ride in the back while we listen to an auto tour of Gettysburg cd a friend loaned to us. My hubby is behind then wheel. The stress of work has been left at the office and at home. This physical break from routine is a mental break as well. We have plans of things to do, but none of those activities are tied to a specific time. We will get up without alarms and "ooze" into the day, as my youngest likes to say. We will visit the battlefield, investigate museums, and stroll through the historical parks. In the next few days I'm sure there will be laughter, learning, and lots of bonding time around the fire. There will not be stress of schedules or routines.
I'm reducing my stress and with all the walking we will be doing at all the tourist sights, I'll be working on my physical health too. What are you going to do today to improve your health?
Let's do this!
Sunday, October 5, 2014
Get out there!
31 Day Challenge - Day 5
To start at the beginning of the series click here!
My eating habits are horrible. I have admitted that. I am trying to work on that aspect of getting healthy. Another side of the health coin is exercise. UGH!
That's another one of those buzz words that can cause shortness of breath, panic attacks, and groans. And that's only thinking about it! I can give you any excuse imaginable not to exercise:
I don't have the right clothes.
I don't have the time.
I don't have a gym membership.
I'm not in good enough shape to do that.
I don't know what to do or how to do it.
Need anymore? Let's face those head on, shall we?
You may not have the most recent fashion trends in the workout clothes department, but seriously, are you going to a fashion show or are you going to get healthy? You have clothes. Put on your jeans or sweatpants or even a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. Now you are dressed for the day. And if your day includes exercise, your are ready for it.
If I have the time, you have the time. Put down the game you are playing on your phone or iPad. Disconnect from the Wii or Xbox. 15 minutes is all it takes. 30 is wonderful. A full hour from your day - a true blessing indeed. You have time.
I don't have a gym membership either. I'm not going to get one at this point in my life. I have had memberships in the past and I may again in the future. There are sidewalks and hiking trails all around where I live - FREE. I even have four square feet in my living room that I can use to do my sit-ups and work out with a fun Wii program. Don't need a membership to a fancy gym with weight machines I have no idea how to use.
I will admit I'm not in peak physical shape. But I can walk. I can get out of bed. I can move my arms and legs. If any of the previous statements apply to you, you can exercise. Maybe you start with Richard Simmons' workouts. Maybe you start by walking to the mailbox at the end of the drive instead of picking up your mail when you drive past. The idea of exercise is to get in better shape. You can't get healthy and then start exercising. It just doesn't work that way.
ASK! No one ever became a professional anything (athlete, writer, actor,) straight from the womb. I have yet to meet anyone who did things perfectly the first time they tried a new activity. Even learning to walk, we all fell down. Lots. I don't know a single person who never made a mistake once they got their high school diploma or even their college or masters degree. We learn from our mistakes. We learn everyday. I, at the age of 40+ years, am learning how to get my body healthy one day at a time. I'm not talking about running a marathon or even a 5K. I just want to encourge you to start moving. You can walk - do that. You can only move your arms - do that.
I am carving time out of my day of housework, homeschooling, chauffering my guys to their activities, and family time to make some "me time". I am dragging my boys and my butt to the local park which has a 1/3 mile walking track. That track is not even level! It has slope to it! It is not a perfect circle or even an oval - there are 90* corners I have to manuver around. I am going to dress in my blue capris pants and a comfy, not tight, t-shirt and my two year old tennis shoes. And I am going to walk, not even run or jog, walk 2 miles. Yep, six laps around the same loop. I can see my boys playing the whole way around. They have been warned I am not to be stopped unless there is a lot of blood, a broken bone, or someone is unconscience.
Yes, I still take karate classes a couple times a week, but this is what I need to do for me, for my heart, my health, and for my family. So carve our your own time. Let's do this!
To start at the beginning of the series click here!
My eating habits are horrible. I have admitted that. I am trying to work on that aspect of getting healthy. Another side of the health coin is exercise. UGH!
That's another one of those buzz words that can cause shortness of breath, panic attacks, and groans. And that's only thinking about it! I can give you any excuse imaginable not to exercise:
I don't have the right clothes.
I don't have the time.
I don't have a gym membership.
I'm not in good enough shape to do that.
I don't know what to do or how to do it.
Need anymore? Let's face those head on, shall we?
You may not have the most recent fashion trends in the workout clothes department, but seriously, are you going to a fashion show or are you going to get healthy? You have clothes. Put on your jeans or sweatpants or even a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. Now you are dressed for the day. And if your day includes exercise, your are ready for it.
If I have the time, you have the time. Put down the game you are playing on your phone or iPad. Disconnect from the Wii or Xbox. 15 minutes is all it takes. 30 is wonderful. A full hour from your day - a true blessing indeed. You have time.
I don't have a gym membership either. I'm not going to get one at this point in my life. I have had memberships in the past and I may again in the future. There are sidewalks and hiking trails all around where I live - FREE. I even have four square feet in my living room that I can use to do my sit-ups and work out with a fun Wii program. Don't need a membership to a fancy gym with weight machines I have no idea how to use.
I will admit I'm not in peak physical shape. But I can walk. I can get out of bed. I can move my arms and legs. If any of the previous statements apply to you, you can exercise. Maybe you start with Richard Simmons' workouts. Maybe you start by walking to the mailbox at the end of the drive instead of picking up your mail when you drive past. The idea of exercise is to get in better shape. You can't get healthy and then start exercising. It just doesn't work that way.
ASK! No one ever became a professional anything (athlete, writer, actor,) straight from the womb. I have yet to meet anyone who did things perfectly the first time they tried a new activity. Even learning to walk, we all fell down. Lots. I don't know a single person who never made a mistake once they got their high school diploma or even their college or masters degree. We learn from our mistakes. We learn everyday. I, at the age of 40+ years, am learning how to get my body healthy one day at a time. I'm not talking about running a marathon or even a 5K. I just want to encourge you to start moving. You can walk - do that. You can only move your arms - do that.
I am carving time out of my day of housework, homeschooling, chauffering my guys to their activities, and family time to make some "me time". I am dragging my boys and my butt to the local park which has a 1/3 mile walking track. That track is not even level! It has slope to it! It is not a perfect circle or even an oval - there are 90* corners I have to manuver around. I am going to dress in my blue capris pants and a comfy, not tight, t-shirt and my two year old tennis shoes. And I am going to walk, not even run or jog, walk 2 miles. Yep, six laps around the same loop. I can see my boys playing the whole way around. They have been warned I am not to be stopped unless there is a lot of blood, a broken bone, or someone is unconscience.
Yes, I still take karate classes a couple times a week, but this is what I need to do for me, for my heart, my health, and for my family. So carve our your own time. Let's do this!
Saturday, October 4, 2014
Our lastest hobby - Geocaching
Many years ago, I heard about a scavenger hunt type activity that I thought would be fun. You downloaded coordinates from the internet and followed your GPS compass to the spot and found a small container with little trinkets and a paper in it. This activity is call Geocaching. I could so get into a game like that, but alas, nothing came of it.
In June of this year, a friend of mine mentioned her family had started geocaching in the local area. I remembered what I had read years ago. After questioning her like a criminal accused of a crime, I downloaded the app. I researched a couple easy finds to insure success and we were off. On Monday, June 23, the boys and I hopped into the car and headed out for a day of treasure hunting.
We found our first cache in a little park near our house. We hiked up hills and over rocks. Once we neared the given coordinates, or Ground Zero (GZ), we had to leave the trail. After much hope, a little dissappointment, and some frustration, the youngest made the find - an army ammo box wedged into a hollow stump of a tree about 6 feet off the ground.
Inside we found more than the treasure we bargained for! This was an amazing cache with unusual swag. This can held no McD toys or broken crayons. There were brand new items with tags and packaging still attached. There was also, a Travel Bug (TB).
Travel Bugs are items with a special tag on them. You check the code from the tag on your app and find out what the goal is for this special traveller. This bug was a small bust of George Washington and his goal was to visit all 50 states. What a special treat for our very first cache! As we researched where George had been, we realized that he could tag along with us to our vacation to Virginia and add a new state to his list. So that is where we dropped off George a month after we found him.
From that first find three months ago, the LittleMs and I were hooked. We spent the day wandering from spot to spot in the town and finding the "treasures" hidden from everyone but a few. We searched behind businesses, in city parks, and along hiking trails. There were even some in the middle of parking lots and tucked into guardrails.
It is a really fun activity that gets us out and moving. We discover geographical wonders and learn lessons about earth science and each other. We have cached with our friends who got us involved and have even passed the obsession on to other friends.
Whether is it geocaching or another activity, can I encourage you to find a hobby that you can share with your kids that gets you out and moving. Wtih Geocaching, we are not tied to anyone else's timetable. We can spend five minutes or five hours on it at a time. It costs us nothing. It draws us together in a way that homeschooling does not. Out on the hunt, we are not teacher and students. We are on even ground with the same goal of find the treasure. And we have found so much more than caches.
In June of this year, a friend of mine mentioned her family had started geocaching in the local area. I remembered what I had read years ago. After questioning her like a criminal accused of a crime, I downloaded the app. I researched a couple easy finds to insure success and we were off. On Monday, June 23, the boys and I hopped into the car and headed out for a day of treasure hunting.
We found our first cache in a little park near our house. We hiked up hills and over rocks. Once we neared the given coordinates, or Ground Zero (GZ), we had to leave the trail. After much hope, a little dissappointment, and some frustration, the youngest made the find - an army ammo box wedged into a hollow stump of a tree about 6 feet off the ground.
Inside we found more than the treasure we bargained for! This was an amazing cache with unusual swag. This can held no McD toys or broken crayons. There were brand new items with tags and packaging still attached. There was also, a Travel Bug (TB).
Travel Bugs are items with a special tag on them. You check the code from the tag on your app and find out what the goal is for this special traveller. This bug was a small bust of George Washington and his goal was to visit all 50 states. What a special treat for our very first cache! As we researched where George had been, we realized that he could tag along with us to our vacation to Virginia and add a new state to his list. So that is where we dropped off George a month after we found him.
From that first find three months ago, the LittleMs and I were hooked. We spent the day wandering from spot to spot in the town and finding the "treasures" hidden from everyone but a few. We searched behind businesses, in city parks, and along hiking trails. There were even some in the middle of parking lots and tucked into guardrails.
It is a really fun activity that gets us out and moving. We discover geographical wonders and learn lessons about earth science and each other. We have cached with our friends who got us involved and have even passed the obsession on to other friends.
Whether is it geocaching or another activity, can I encourage you to find a hobby that you can share with your kids that gets you out and moving. Wtih Geocaching, we are not tied to anyone else's timetable. We can spend five minutes or five hours on it at a time. It costs us nothing. It draws us together in a way that homeschooling does not. Out on the hunt, we are not teacher and students. We are on even ground with the same goal of find the treasure. And we have found so much more than caches.
I have found my get moving hobby. Have you found yours? Let's do this!
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